28 February, 2012

Walled In (2009)

Duvarlar Arasında >> Turkish

A young woman who recently graduated from engineering school travels to a remote location to supervise the demolition of a mysterious building. She soon discovers the horrifying secrets of the building and its past inhabitants, many of whom were victims of a vicious murderer who entombed his prey alive within its walls. Now she must turn the tables on the killer before she becomes his latest victim.

The Wall A World Divided (2010)

The most memorable symbol of the revolution that swept across Europe two decades ago is the November 1989 opening of the Berlin Wall after 28 years. The Wall — A World Divided tells those dramatic events from the perspective of ordinary East Germans whose lives were caught up in the wheels of Cold War politics. And it presents the lesser-known story of how the autumn of 1989 set the stage for three world leaders — George Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Helmut Kohl — to come together and guide the completely unanticipated spiraling series of events that ended the Cold War.

Hurt (2009)

A recently widowed family is forced to move into their uncle’s salvage yard, and soon after the arrival of a mysterious foster child, a family secret starts to threaten their lives.

27 February, 2012

Naturgewalten - Lawinen ()

Naturgewalten - Erdbeben ()

Naturgewalten - Vulkane ()

Naturgewalten - Tsunamis ()

Reisen durch die Zeit - Die Geschichte der Erde ()

Für uns Menschen scheint die Welt ein beständiger Ort zu sein. Doch das täuscht! Tag für Tag verändert sich das Gesicht unseres Planeten ein klein wenig.

Komprimiert man Jahrtausende zu Sekunden, erscheint die Welt in einem völlig neuen Licht. Der erste Teil der BBC-Dokumentation zeigt in atemberaubenden Bildern, dass die Welt alles andere als ein ruhiger Ort ist.

Marine Fossilien auf der Spitze des Mount Everest erzählen die Geschichte der Entstehung des höchsten Gebirges der Welt. Ein Flugzeugabsturz zeigt die ungeheure Dynamik eines scheinbar reglos daliegenden Gletschers, ein kleiner Riss in einer afrikanischen Straße ist ein untrügliches Zeichen, dass der Kontinent allmählich auseinander bricht.

Aufwändige Animationen zeigen, wie verborgene Naturgewalten Gebirge auftürmen oder die Welt in Stücke reißen, wie ein einzelner Regentropfen im Strom der Zeit nichts bedeutet, viele Tropfen über Jahrmillionen der Landschaft aber ein völlig neues Gesicht verleihen. Unvorstellbare Zeiträume sind nötig, um etwas so Gewaltiges wie den Grand Canyon oder den Himalaja entstehen zu lassen.

Athene's Theory of Everything ()

Gravitation - Die Urkraft des Universums ()

Vier Grundkräfte beherrschen den Lauf der Welt. Zwei wirken im Inneren der Atomkerne und regeln das Zusammenspiel der Kernbausteine. Die dritte Kraft ist die elektromagnetische Wechselwirkung. Die vierte ist die schwächste von allen, doch sie reicht am weitesten. Sie hält unser gesamtes Universum zusammen und zwingt die Planeten auf ihre Bahnen.

Projekt Poltergeist - Neutrinos verzweifelt gesucht ()

Die Erforschung der Neutrinos verfolgt eine lange Geschichte. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts als reine fiktive Objekte erdacht, um Energieerhaltung zu wahren, wuchsen die Erkenntnisse innerhalb weniger Jahrzente so stark an, dass selbst heute noch Potential in der Erforschung dieser "Teilchen" zu sein scheint. Diese Doku bietet Infos zur Geschichte und Problemen der Neutrinoforschung. Erstaunliche Experimente eingeschlossen!

Neutrinos - Geheimschrift des Kosmos ()

Neutrinos sind elektrisch neutrale Elementarteilchen mit sehr kleiner Masse. Im Standardmodell der Elementarteilchenphysik existieren drei Neutrinos: das Elektron-Neutrino, das Myon-Neutrino und das Tau-Neutrino.

Fabric of the Cosmos: Universe or Multiverse? ()

Program Description

Hard as it is to swallow, cutting-edge theories are suggesting that our universe may not be the only universe. Instead, it may be just one of an infinite number of universes that make up the "multiverse." In this show, Brian Greene takes us on a tour of this brave new theory at the frontier of physics, showing what some of these alternate realities might be like. Some universes may be almost indistinguishable from our own; others may contain variations of all of us, where we exist but with different families, careers, and life stories. In still others, reality may be so radically different from ours as to be unrecognizable. Brian Greene reveals why this radical new picture of the cosmos is getting serious attention from scientists. It won't be easy to prove, but if it's right, our understanding of space, time, and our place in the universe will never be the same.

The Fabric of the Cosmos: What Is Space? ()

The Fabric of the Cosmos

Acclaimed physicist Brian Greene reveals a mind-boggling reality beneath the surface of our everyday world. Airing 11/2, 11/9, 11/16 and 11/23, at 9pm on PBS

Ape to Man ()

Ape to Man - Macaco em Homem - History Channel

It has long been considered the most compelling question in our history: Where do human beings come from? Although life has existed for millions of years, only in the past century-and-a-half have we begun to use science to explore the ancestral roots of our own species. The search for the ultimate answer has taken a number of twists and turns, with careers made and broken along the way. APE TO MAN is the story of the quest to find the origins of the human race - a quest that spanned more than 150 years of obsessive searching The search for the origins of humanity is a story of bones and the tales they tell. It was in 1856 that the first bones of an extinct human ancestor were encountered, unearthed by a crew of unskilled laborers digging for limestone in Western Europe. The find, which would be known as Neanderthal Man, was seeing the light of day for the first time in more than 40,000 years. At the time, the concept of a previous human species was virtually unthinkable. Yet just a few years later, Charles Darwin's work The Origin of Species first broached the subject of evolution, and by the end of the nineteenth century, it had become the hottest topic of the age. Adventurers had embarked on the search for the Missing Link, the single creature that represented the evolutionary leap from apes to humans. APE TO MAN examines the major discoveries that have led us to the understanding we have today, including theories that never gained full acceptance in their time, an elaborate hoax that confused the scientific community for years, and the ultimate understanding of the key elements that separate man from apes.

Natural World: Himalayas ()

Documentary looking at the wildlife of the most stunning mountain range in the world, home to snow leopards, Himalayan wolves and Tibetan bears.

Snow leopards stalk their prey among the highest peaks. Concealed by snowfall, the chase is watched by golden eagles circling above. On the harsh plains of the Tibetan plateau live extraordinary bears and square-faced foxes hunting small rodents to survive. In the alpine forests, dancing pheasants have even influenced rival border guards in their ritualistic displays. Valleys carved by glacial waters lead to hillsides covered by paddy fields containing the lifeline to the East, rice. In this world of extremes, the Himalayas reveal not only snow-capped mountains and fascinating animals but also a vital lifeline for humanity.

Narrated By: Sir David Attenborough

Bermuda Triangle (2011)

"Since the 15th century, the Bermuda Triangle has mysteriously vanished an untold number of ships, planes and lives with three more known incidents in 2004. Using today's scientific knowledge and investigative techniques, we study the riddle of the Bermuda Triangle. History Channel through computer graphics, highly stylized recreations, and underwater cameras, we will dramatically visualize the accidents as well as investigate the possible causes and explanations. On-camera interviews with both skeptics and believers will help lay out the facts and opinions of the cases.

The Link - Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor ()

The Link - Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor - BBC

Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor: The Link, tells the story of an important scientific development that could tell us more about where we come from.

The fossil, known as Ida, could be an indication of one of the roots of anthropoid evolution -- the point at which our primate ancestors began first developing the features that would evolve into our own.

Is David Attenborough set to reveal the Missing Link in human evolution?

The BBC has made an extraordinary new documentary, presented by Sir David Attenborough, which will reveal the discovery of a fossilised skeleton that may be a vital 'missing link' in human evolution.

The centrepiece of the programme is the unveiling of the first-ever complete skeleton of an extinct animal called an adapid.

The fossilised bones, which are thought to be between 37 and 47million years old, were found in Germany's Messel Shale Pit, a disused quarry near Frankfurt famous for its fossils.

The team who examined the young female animal say it has some resemblance to a lemur, a mammal with a distinctive tail that is found to this day in the forests of Madagascar.

But Sir David's documentary will explain that the researchers have, controversially, concluded the fossil 'is not simply a lemur' but from a related group of primates which evolved into monkeys, apes and human beings.

The BBC programme is based on a scientific study to be published by the Public Library of Science, a leading academic journal with offices in Cambridge and San Francisco.

Faster Than The Speed Of Light ()

In September 2011, an international group of scientists has made an astonishing claim -- they have detected particles that seemed to travel faster than the speed of light.

It was a claim that contradicted more than a hundred years of scientific orthodoxy. Suddenly there was talk of all kinds of bizarre concepts, from time travel to parallel universes.

So what is going on? Has Einstein's famous theory of relativity finally met its match? Will we one day be able to travel into the past or even into another universe?

In this film, Professor Marcus du Sautoy explores one of the most dramatic scientific announcements for a generation. In clear, simple language he tells the story of the science we thought we knew, how it is being challenged, and why it matters.

The Last Day of the Dinosaurs ()

The Last Day of the Dinosaurs - Discovery Channel (Luciano Silva)
Dragons: A Fantasy come true

Shows how the asteroid that crashed in Yucatan some 65 million caused the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Neanderthal - Planet of the Apemen ()

Neanderthal - Planet of the Apemen: Battle for Earth - BBC

This episode is set 35,000 years ago and depicts Homo sapiens's encounter with Homo neanderthalensis. As the ice caps retreated, the Neanderthal stronghold in Europe weakened, providing a window of opportunity to which modern humans owe their existence. As almost exclusively carnivorous, both male and female Neanderthals hunted. Evidence of a huge number of injuries, like those seen in today's rodeo riders, suggest that hunting involved dangerously close contact with large prey animals.

Homo Erectus - Planet of the Apemen ()

Homo Erectus - Planet of the Apemen: Battle for Earth - BBC

This episode is set 75,000 years ago in India, following a catastrophic super-volcanic eruption which forced a showdown between our ancestors and a completely different species of human, Homo erectus, who up until that point had reigned supreme. Homo erectus was a successful, long-lived species that migrated out of Africa. Possibly the first humans to live in hunter-gatherer societies, they also used rafts to travel the oceans.

Homo Sapiens - Die Geburt des neuen Menschen ()

Entwicklungsgeschichte of Homo Sapiens - Die Geburt des neuen Menschen
Evolution of Homo Sapiens - Die Geburt des neuen Menschen ()

Das Verschwinden der Neandertaler gehört zu den größten Rätseln der Menschheitsgeschichte.

Der französische Regisseur Jacques Malaterre geht der Frage nach, warum Homo sapiens Sieger der Evolution wurde und zeigt in bewegenden Bildern, wie der "weise Mensch" den Ackerbau erfindet, den ersten Wolf zähmt und ein Bewusstsein für seine Vergangenheit entwickelt. Die Bilder Malaterres eröffnen uns die Welt unserer frühen Verwandten mit all ihren Sorgen und Nöten.

Hatten die modernen Menschen Krankheitserreger und Parasiten aus Afrika mitgebracht, mit denen das Immunsystem des Neandertalers nicht fertig wurde? Hatte Homo Sapiens den entfernten Vetter in Kämpfe verwickelt und schließlich ausgerottet? Oder konnten sich unsere Ahnen einfach schneller fortpflanzen und sich so den entscheidenden Evolutionsvorteil sichern? Vielleicht war es auch sein Erfindungsreichtum, der Sapiens schließlich zum einzigen Überlebenden des Menschengeschlechts werden ließ.

Sicher ist nur, dass sich Homo sapiens auf der ganzen Welt ausbreitete und alle anderen Menschentypen verdrängte - und dass, obwohl der Neandertaler über ein größeres Gehirn verfügte und körperlich weit überlegen war. Er starb schließlich vor 25.000 Jahren aus. Die wissenschaftliche Basis für diese deutsch/französisch/kanadische Koproduktion schufen international bekannte Forscher wie Yves Coppens und Fabrice Demeter vom Collège de France in Paris sowie Michael Bisson von der McGill Universität in Montreal.

Kometen - Boten aus dem All ()

Kometen oder Meteoriten - Boten aus dem All mit ca. 100.000 km/h Geschwindigkeit. Ergebnis - Wie Tunguska Katastrophe


Diese Dokumentation zeigt wie Wissenschaftler einige Mysterien um Kometen gelüftet haben. Die Himmelskörper sind nun eher Anlass zur Bewunderung als zu Furcht. Dennoch hatten Kometen in der Vergangenheit massiven Einfluss auf das Leben auf der Erde - und es bleibt die Gewissheit, dass der nächste Aufprall auf unseren Planeten nur eine Frage der Zeit ist.

Kometen: Silberstreif am Himmel oder Vorboten des Unheils? Unsere Vorfahren fürchteten sich vor mysteriösen, leuchtenden Erscheinungen am Himmel und hielten sie für Zeichen der Götter. Heute erforscht die moderne Wissenschaft die fliegenden Gesteinsbrocken und ihren Ursprung. Dieser Film zeigt, wie die Wissenschaft heute Kometen erforscht -- und warum unsere Urahnen vielleicht gar nicht so falsch lagen, wenn sie diese Boten aus dem All fürchteten...

Jede Kultur der Welt hat sich mit Sternen und Himmelskörpern beschäftigt. Das All war der Ort der Götter, am Himmelszelt konnte man den Lauf der Dinge ablesen. Kometen, die im Gegensatz zu den immergleichen Sternenkonstellationen völlig überraschend auftauchten, verbreiteten Furcht, weil sie als Zeichen für bevorstehendes Unheil, Kriege oder Seuchen galten.

Als die Naturwissenschaften den Aufbau des Universums enträtselten, konnten sie beweisen, dass Kometen lediglich Himmelskörper sind, die in Umlaufbahnen die Sonne umkreisen. Aber erst in den letzten Jahren fand man heraus, woher die Kometen eigentlich kommen: Sie stammen aus dem Kuipergürtel oder der Oortschen Wolke, wo Millionen Gesteinsbrocken darauf warten, ihre Reise ins Innere unseres Sonnensystems anzutreten.

Schon mehrfach haben Kometen das Leben auf unserem Planeten schlagartig verändert. Seitdem herausgefunden wurde, dass Kometen neben Wasser, Stickstoff, Staub- und Mineralienteilchen auch organische Moleküle enthalten, erscheint die Vermutung umso glaubhafter, der Auslöser für die Entwicklung des Lebens auf der Erde könne aus dem All gekommen sein. In den letzten Jahren konnten einige folgenschwere Kometeneinschläge, die sogar bis in unsere Zeit reichen, rekonstruiert werden. Der „Besuch" des nächsten Kometen auf der Erde steht außer Zweifel, die Frage ist nur wann.

Doku: Die gefährlichsten Flughäfen der Welt ()

Nanking 1937 - Eine Stadt wird vergewaltigt ()

Nanking 1937 - A city was raped

Der I. Weltkrieg ()

The first World War >> English

Der Erste Weltkrieg forderte fast zehn Millionen Todesopfer und etwa 20 Millionen Verwundete unter den Soldaten. Die Anzahl der zivilen Opfer wird auf weitere sieben Millionen geschätzt.Im Deutschen Reich leisteten im Kriegsverlauf 13,25 Millionen Mann Militärdienst, davon starben 2,0 Millionen. Das Russische Reich hatte etwa 12 Millionen Männer zum Kriegsdienst herangezogen, von denen 1,85 Millionen ums Leben kamen. Von den knapp 8,1 Millionen eingezogenen Franzosen überlebten 1,3 Millionen den Krieg nicht. Das Britische Weltreich hatte insgesamt etwa 7 Millionen Soldaten eingesetzt, von denen 850.000 nicht aus dem Krieg zurückkehrten. Österreich-Ungarn musste bei 7,8 Millionen Soldaten etwa 1,5 Millionen Todesopfer hinnehmen, auf italienischer Seite waren es bei 5 Millionen Soldaten fast 700.000. Die anteilsmäßig größten Verluste erlitten Rumänien, Montenegro und Serbien: Von 700.000 serbischen Soldaten starben etwa 130.000. Insgesamt verlor Serbien kriegsbedingt rund 540.000 Menschen, etwa 11 % und Montenegro sogar 16 % seiner Bevölkerung.

Unter den Verwundeten befanden sich zahlreiche mitunter bis zur Unkenntlichkeit entstellte Invaliden. Unzählige ehemalige Weltkriegssoldaten starben nach dem Ende der Feindseligkeiten noch an den Folgen von Kriegsverletzungen und mitgebrachten Krankheiten in relativ niedrigem Lebensalter. Zu den Verwundeten müssen auch zahlreiche Kriegsverweigerer hinzugezählt werden, die psychisch unfähig zum Militärdienst waren oder wurden -- und zur „Aufrechterhaltung der Moral der Truppe" entweder zu Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt oder in entsprechenden Anstalten psychiatrisiert wurden. Zu den militärischen kamen die zivilen Opfer: Die Blockade gegen die Mittelmächte führte allein in Deutschland zu mindestens 700.000 Hungertoten.[69] Gegen Kriegsende raffte die Spanische Grippe in Europa Millionen von oft bereits zuvor durch den Krieg geschwächten Zivilisten und Soldaten hinweg. Auf dem Balkan, vor allem in Serbien, erlitt die Bevölkerung schon seit 1914 riesige Verluste durch Krankheiten und Seuchen, wie es auch in vom Krieg verheerten Zonen außerhalb Europas (insbesondere Zentral/Ostafrika) der Fall war.

Sun Tzu - Die Kunst des Krieges ()

Der Dritte Weltkrieg - ZDF History ()

The Third World War - ZDF History >> English

Tschernobyl - Der erste Super-Gau eines Kernkraftwerks ()

500.000 junge Soldaten wurden für Aufräumarbeiten in den geborstenen Reaktor mit höchster Radioakivität geschickt +++

Die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl ereignete sich am 26. April 1986 in Block 4 des Kernkraftwerks Tschernobyl nahe der ukrainischen Stadt Prypjat. Als erstes Ereignis wurde sie auf der siebenstufigen internationalen Bewertungsskala für nukleare Ereignisse als katastrophaler Unfall eingeordnet. - Ein "Super-Gau".

Die Wahrheit über den Vietnamkrieg ()

Die Wahrheit über den Vietnamkrieg (Doku) Daniel Ellsberg und die Pentagon Papiere

Vietnam - Blutbad My Lai (2010)

SpiegelGeschichte -- Film von Barak Goodman (2010) - Am 16. März 1968 kamen die Soldaten der Charlie Company, 11. Brigade der US Army, in das südvietnamesische Dorf My Lai. Es sollte die übliche Strategie angewendet werden -- "search and destroy" (aufspüren und vernichten). Sofort nahm die Army das Dorf und seine Bewohner unter Beschuss, obwohl kein gegnerisches Feuer entgegenkam. Obwohl sich offensichtlich keine Rebellen im Dorf befanden, begannen die Soldaten ein sinnloses Morden: Greise wurden mit dem Bajonett aufgespießt, betende Frauen und Kinder von hinten erschossen, Mädchen vergewaltigt und getötet.

Augenzeugen berichteten, dass der Kommandant Lt. Calley eine Gruppe Dorfbewohner in einen Graben trieb und sie mit Maschinengewehrsalven buchstäblich niedermähte. Nach knapp vier Stunden bewegte sich in My Lai nichts mehr. Als die entsetzlichen Gräueltaten bekannt wurden, erschütterten sie nicht nur die US-Regierung und die militärischen Befehlshaber, sondern auch die bereits tief gespaltene Bevölkerung der Vereinigten Staaten.

Der Krieg der Deutschen - Der Zweite Weltkrieg ()

Als die Welt in Flammen stand - Die Chronik des Zweiten Weltkriegs

Der Zweite Weltkrieg begann am 1. September 1939 als Kampf zwischen den Großmächten in Mitteleuropa und endete am 8. Mai 1945 als weltumfassende Katastrophe mit über 50 Millionen Toten und völlig verwüsteten Städten und Landschaften. Die Weltherrschaftsträume Hitlers und die Großmachtphantasien des japanischen Kaiserreiches führten zu den blutigen Schlachten von Stalingrad und Iwo Jima, zum Bombenhagel auf deutsche Städte und zum Abwurf von Atombomben auf Hiroshima und Nagasaki.
Michael Kloft zeigt mit seltenen Filmaufnahmen ein Bild der Ereignisse an Front und Heimatfront auch jenseits der Propaganda. Bei der Darstellung vom Verlauf des Krieges, von militärischen Strategien und persönlichen Schicksalen helfen ihm drei ausgewiesene Experten: der britische Historiker Antony Beevor, der mit seinen Büchern über "Stalingrad" und "Berlin 1945" weltweit Maßstäbe gesetzt hat, der Publizist Jörg Friedrich, der mit "DerBrand" hierzulande einen umstrittenen Bestseller veröffentlicht hat, und Rolf-Dieter Müller, Deutschlands führender Militärhistoriker.

Teil 1: Blitzkrieg
Teil 2: Unternehmen Barbarossa
Teil 3: Stalingrad
Teil 4: Bedingungslose Kapitulation

Japan - Der 2.Weltkrieg in Farbe ()

Die Welt im Krieg - Dschungelkrieg - Burma 1942-1944 ()

„Die Welt im Krieg"ist eine 26-teilige Dokumentationsserie aus den 70er Jahren. In über vier Jahren wurden weltweit Wochenschauaufnahmen zusammengetragen, die einen Gesamtüberblick der Geschehnisse des Zweiten Weltkrieges vermitteln.

Im Original kommentiert die Ereignisse Oscar-Preisträger Sir Laurence Olivier. Im Jahr 2010 wurde das Material aufwendig digital restauriert und komplett neu und verständlich kommentiert von Uwe Friedrichsen - der deutschen Originalsynchronstimme.

Deutsche Legionäre im Indochinakrieg ()

German Legionnaire in Indo-China War

Mit der Absicht, nach 1945 ihre Kolonien in Indochina wieder unter Kontrolle zu bringen, eröffneten die Franzosen einen achtjährigen Kolonialkrieg gegen die vietnamesische Befreiungsbewegung Viet Minh.

Der Film erzählt die Geschichte der deutschen Fremdenlegionäre im Indochina-Krieg. Der Indochina-Krieg wurde auf französischer Seite überwiegend von der Fremdenlegion geführt. Diese bestand bis zu 80 Prozent aus Deutschen und Österreichern. Über 35.000 Abenteurer, Kriminelle, ehemalige Wehrmachtssoldaten, SS-Männer und Kriegswaisen aus dem ehemaligen Deutschen Reich landeten im Verlauf des Krieges in Indochina.

Ein Sammelsurium aus gescheiterten und heimatlosen Existenzen. Angeworben wurden sie in Kriegsgefangenenlagern, Notunterkünften und zahlreichen Büros, die die Fremdenlegion in der französischen Besatzungszone unterhielt. Viele der Deutschen hatten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg mit dem Eintritt in die Legion des "Erbfeindes" politisch die Seiten gewechselt. Im Dschungelkrieg verwischen sich die ideologischen Gegensätze erneut. Mancher gefangene deutsche Legionär kämpft am Ende als Offizier in Ho Chi Minhs kommunistischen Guerillaverbänden, um schließlich nach seiner Rückkehr in die DDR zur Propagandawaffe des Kalten Krieges zu werden.

Die Welt im Krieg - Banzai! - Japan 1931-1942 ()

„Die Welt im Krieg"ist eine 26-teilige Dokumentationsserie aus den 70er Jahren. In über vier Jahren wurden weltweit Wochenschauaufnahmen zusammengetragen, die einen Gesamtüberblick der Geschehnisse des Zweiten Weltkrieges vermitteln.

Im Original kommentiert die Ereignisse Oscar-Preisträger Sir Laurence Olivier. Im Jahr 2010 wurde das Material aufwendig digital restauriert und komplett neu und verständlich kommentiert von Uwe Friedrichsen - der deutschen Originalsynchronstimme.

2. Weltkrieg - Kamikaze (Shimpū Tokkōtai) - Japans Geheimwaffe (2007)

History - Doku (2007) - Bis heute sind die Kamikaze-Flieger der japanischen Marine ein Mythos. Mit ihren Selbstmordeinsätzen versuchten sie gegen Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges die Niederlage Japans noch abzuwenden.

Doch was steckte wirklich hinter diesen Kamikaze-Einsätzen? Mit originalen Farbfilmaufnahmen von Kamikaze-Angriffen auf amerikanische Schiffe, Computeranimationen sowie erst kürzlich entdeckten Briefen und Tagebüchern zeigt die Dokumentation die Hintergründe der riskanten Manöver. Ehemalige Kamikaze-Flieger und US-Veteranen berichten, wie sie die Angriffe überlebt haben.

Der Supervulkan ()

Entstehung der Erde - Mount Everest ()

History - Gewaltige Kräfte unter der Erdkruste, gigantische Vulkanausbrüche und kilometerhohe Gletscher haben im Laufe der Erdgeschichte auf der ganzen Welt faszinierende Landschaften entstehen lassen. Wie das genau vor sich ging, erläutern in dieser Dokumentarserie Geologen und andere Wissenschaftler.

Mithilfe moderner und aufwendiger Untersuchungsmethoden machen sich renommierte Wissenschaftler verschiedener Disziplinen daran, die Rätsel der Erdgeschichte zu entschlüsseln. Sie zeigen, dass Loch Ness in Schottland erst durch den Zusammenprall der nordamerikanischen mit der europäischen Kontinentalplatte entstehen konnte, dass der Yellowstone Nationalpark auf einem gigantischen Supervulkan liegt oder dass Manhattan einst von den gleichen gigantischen Gletschern bedeckt war, die auch die großen Seen Nordamerikas formten. 

Katastrophen der Seefahrt ()

26 February, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 224 (2012)

Judicial Irregularity

अख्तियारले भ्रष्टाचार गरेको भन्दै मुद्दा हालेको ९ वर्षपछि मात्रै जेपी गुप्ता भ्रष्टाचारी ठहरिए । सर्वोच्चको पछिल्लो फैसलाले गुप्तालाई भ्रष्टाचारी मात्रै भनेन कि उनलाई सफाइ दिने विशेष अदालतका तत्कालीन न्ययाधीशहरुलाई नै कारबाहीको सिफारिस गर्योप । एक त न्यायिक प्रक्रियामै बर्षौं लाग्ने, र अर्को न्यायाधीशहरु नै न्याय सम्पादन कार्यमा विचलित हुने यही मुद्दाको फैसलाले प्रष्ट पार्यो । कसरी हुन सक्छ त छिटो र निष्पक्ष न्याय सम्पादन? यसै सवालको साझा सवालको बहसमा हामीसँग कानून तथा न्यायमन्त्री वृजेश कुमार गुप्ता र नेपाल बार एसोसियसनका पूर्व अध्यक्ष -- वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ता शम्भु थापा हुनुहुन्छ ।

Guests: Brijesh Kumar Gupta and Shabhu Thapa
Dates: 26.02.2012

Die großen Kriminalfälle Familienbande Der Mörder und sein Sohn ()

The biggest criminal case of Murderer and his son >> English

Breaking a Female Paedophile Ring ()

The Girl Who Knew Too Much ()

Der Serienmörder von Wien ()

Verbrechen, die die Welt schockierten - Der Serienmörder von Wien
Crime, which shocked the world - The Serial Killer from Vienna >> English

Aktenzeichen XY 27.03.1998 ()

Case Number XY 27.03.1998

Komplette XY Folge, in dieser Folge geht Peter Niedetzky auch auf die vermisste Natascha Kampusch ein. Aufgrund einiger technischer Schwierigkeiten musste ich die Dateien in 10 Teile packen. Aber ihr kennt mein Motto: Bevor GAR NICHTS upgeloaded wird.

Natascha Kampusch - Ein Jahr danach ()

Natascha Kampusch - one year after her escape >> English

Der Fall Natascha Kampusch ()

The case of Natascha Kampusch >> English

Natascha Kampusch - 3096 Tage Gefangenschaft ()

Natascha Kampusch 3096 dagen in kelder >> Dutch
Natascha Kampusch - 3096 Days of Imprisonment
Natascha Kampusch - 3096 Tage Gefangenschaft - Das Entführungsopfer berichtet

Natascha Maria Kampusch (* 17. Februar 1988 in Vienna, Austria) became famous after her escape from the basement of her kidnapper Wolfgang Priklopil after 8 years. She was kidnapped on 2. March 1998 from Vienna aged 10 and held hostage in Strasshof at Nordbahn (Bezirk Gänserndorf near Vienna) and could make an escape in 2006 while she was 18.

When she came out of the basement, she caught the sight of media-world and hit the news at once.

Josef Fritzl - Story of a Monster ()

A documentary about a "man" - Josef Fritzl (* 9. April 1935 in Amstetten, Niederoesterreich, Austria), who kept his own daughter (*born in 1966) in basement beneath his house from 28. August 1984 till 26. April 2008 and raped her a number of times. He had seven kids from her (his daughter in hostage). One of the kids died just after the birth and three of them were officially "adopted" as foster children and the rest three kids lived whole of their life in the underground basement before finally they are released from there in April 2008 by the police.

This is one of the most notorious criminal cases recorded in modern Austrian history.

24 February, 2012

Gang War USA ()

National Geographic's documentary on Gang War USA - MS-13.

Nigerian Girls on the Streets of Athens ()

Every night besides the town hall of Athens, next to Omonia square, where the narrow streets of the popular entertainment hub district Psirris begin, black girls from Nigeria gather to work.

Dressed provocatively, they approach people who pass by and offer their services. "Come on baby I know you want me", you hear one say playfully with a big smile on her face. Or is it a mask she wears?

The beautiful young Nigerians, between 20 and 25 years old, are victims of trafficking, forced to prostitute themselves for little money.

"Everyone knows that. The young Athenians who gather in Psirris to have fun; the policemen who casually drive through the area to keep an eye on things; the mayor of Athens; most of all the 'customers'," says resident Miltiadis Papathomopoulos, as he stares at the girls, and the people walking by.

Nigerian girls appeared on the steers of Athens during the Olympic Games. They never left. Nobody knew where they came from, and no one particularly wanted to. Until Dina Daskalopoulou, a journalist working on social issues, thought that this could not go on.

"I did it for two reasons," she told IPS, talking of her decision to start investigating the issue. "First, because everybody, citizens and officials, had an attitude that 'these things happen, nobody can stop them'. And then because anyone I talked with insisted that no one can really go out there and tell this story."

Her story, put together after six months work, circulated Mar. 24 in Eleftherotipia, a big national daily. She found that the girls come from Edo region in Nigeria, a place which regularly provides people to global slave labour networks.

The girls are sold for a couple of thousand euros by their families, or they are lured by traffickers with promise of a better life. There are an estimated 50,000 girls from there being sexually exploited around Europe.

Most transit through Italy. They are charged up to 40,000 euros for the trip, and they are then forced into prostitution to pay their debt. Several of the women have said that traffickers, most often Nigerians, use tribal voodoo superstition to persuade the girls that if they escape or speak up, they and their families will suffer.

Russian Prison System ()

Shake Rattle Roll XI (2009)

The lamanglupa—a creature of Philippine underworld mythology—is given a new interpretation in this movie about a group of friends whose camping trip suddenly turns into a nightmare when they find themselves being relentlessly pursued by a couple of ferocious creatures. Apparently, the group has accidentally killed the creatures’ offspring when they stumbled on a row of mounds believed to be the breeding ground of the lamanglupa. In the face of adversity, friendships will be tested and various conflicts will unfold, as the group struggles to survive the creatures as well as their personal strife.
Kayla is engaged to be married to Harold. She has long been waiting for this ideal wedding. A mysterious vintage gown catches Kyla’s attention and gets fixated on it. Unbeknownst to Kyla the wedding gown is evil, passed by a demented bride way back in 1948. Soon, her designer friend –Basti is killed. It’s not until an old man appears to Kayla that everything is revealed to her. Will she be able to stop the evil gown in ruining her wedding?
Claire, a young doctor-intern at a provincial hospital, encounters a girl who is suspected of carrying a deadly flu virus. But the girl claims that a demonic spirit, not a virus, is residing in her frail body. The girl later kills herself, but not before ensuring that the demon inside her has been transmitted to Claire.

Baler (2009)

In 1898, a band of Spanish soldiers heroically defended Baler (which was not yet the capital municipality of Aurora until 1951) against Filipino forces for 337 long and grueling days. The battle, now referred to as the Siege of Baler, is the setting of a forbidden love between a Mestizo soldier (Jericho Rosales) and a Filipina lass (Anne Curtis) who lived at the end of the 19th century.

Waz (2008)

Well worn by years of gangland brutality, veteran detective Eddie Argo prides himself on playing by the book. However, loyalties wane as he and his new rookie partner, Helen, find themselves entangled in a string of violent and horrific killings that are targeting a notorious local gang, forcing Argo to revisit a case he would rather forget. In the midst of mounting terror, the calculating killer stays focused on the ultimate goal - coerce Argo to pay for his previous mistakes.

Big Fat Gypsy Gangster (2011)

After sixteen years at Her Majesty's Pleasure, Britain's hardest man is released from prison, and into the care of a documentary film crew headed by a Brit-loving American film-maker who follow him for the next week, on an hilarious roller-coaster tour of gangland London and beyond.

Macbeth (2010)

The story begins when Macbeth (Sam Worthington), a loyal henchman, is rewarded with gifts from his crime boss Duncan (Gary Sweet) for serving him faithfully and performing bravely in a vicious gangland rip-off. But these gifts are nothing compared to what Duncan lavishes on his son Malcolm (Matt Doran). Macbeth wonders why he bothers to stick his neck out when Malcolm does nothing at all.

A Cry In The Dark (1988)

Evil Angels

Based on the true story of Lindy Chamberlain. During a camping trip to Ayers Rock in outback Australia, she claimed that she witnessed a dingo stealing her baby daughter, Azaria, from the family tent. Azaria's body was never found. Police noted some apparent inconsistencies in her story, and she was charged with murder. The case attracted a lot of attention, turning an investigation into a media circus, with the public divided in their opinions.

Meryl Streep
Sam Neill
Dale Reeves

Director: Fred Schepisi

Peter Carroll Interview With Gurkhas ()

Peter Carroll, Who Helped To Win The Gurkha Justice Campaign, And So Many Nepali Gurkhas Doesn't Know How We Won The Campaign, So Here's The Interview And Explains How Did We Won The Campaign.

Gurkhas: A Friend in Need ()

गोर्खालिको कथा

If a man says he is not afraid of dying then, either he is lying or he is a GURKHA.

Land of the Gurkhas ()

Filmed by Christoph von Furer-Haimdendorf and narrated by David Attenborough. Broadcast by the BBC in the 1960's. The film is part of a large archive of footage shot by Haimendorf in the Himalayas and is put up with his permission.

The Gurkhas (1995)

From the GWT website:
"The brave and loyal Gurkha fought for our freedom in the Second World War and every major conflict since. For £20 a month, you can help repay our debt of honour to these famously courageous people. Most are now in their 80s and 90s, too old to fight for survival, too proud to beg for charity. A welfare pension is not a handout, it is the least we owe them."

British Citizenship for Gurkhas ()

Justice for Gurkhas ()

The United British Gurkha Ex-Serviceman Association (UBGEA) have been Campaigning for the rights of the Gurkhas. Please watch these videos which are in four parts. Campaign for the rights of Gurkhas is not a new subject, eventhough this video has some interesting and more important matters that UBGEA has done during their campaign in the past.

Gurkhas ()

This Documentary is about those brave warriors from Nepal, who served for the Queen in the British Army in many countries around the globe. Gurkhas are regarded as the bravest of the brave and regiment in the world. It is the only undefeated regiment in the world. The Gurkha Regiment actually won 26 Victoria Crosses but they say 12 in the video, which is apparently false because they excluded the Gurkha soldiers, who served in the Indian Army of those 26 won till date. About 23 were won during World War II alone.

Couples Who Kill - Twisted Twosome ()

The son of a convicted murderer and an affluent woman meet in 1978, and embark on a shocking crime spree.

Couples Who Kill - My Girl ()

C.I.D. ()

Couples Who Kill - Evil In The Desert ()

"Evil in the Desert" - The "Toy Box Murders", perpetrated by David Parker Ray and Cindy Hendy in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico are detailed.

Couples Who Kill - Madness Of Two ()

Couples Who Kill - Kidnapped ()

The kidnapping of Colleen Stan, who was picked up while hitch-hiking by an apparently quiet and unassuming couple, but subsequently endured seven years of abuse at their hands.

Couples Who Kill - Mother Knows Best ()

The LAPD and NYPD join forces with the FBI in an elaborate sting operation to catch a mother and son who are renowned confidence tricksters and suspected of murder.

Couples Who Kill - The Perfect Couple ()

Couple that kills
Couple who kills
The Perfect Couple

A predatory rapist moves from town to town with the police hunting him down. But when he takes on an accomplice the whole case takes an even more sinister turn.

Couples Who Kill - Our Little Secret ()

Our Little Secret

Suspicions are raised when a man informs the local authorities of his ex-wife's outrageous behaviour, explaining that since she became a nurse's assistant she has been drinking and having affairs.

Mafia "Cosa Nostra" Gambino-Bonanno ()

B.T.K. - The Worlds Most Elusive Serial Killer ()

Bound, Tortured and Killed !!!

Serial Killers - Profiling the Criminal Mind ()

The Trial Of Jeffrey Dahmer ()

Jeffrey Dahmer - Der Kannibale ()

A well known Serial Killer, Cannibal and Nacrophiliac

23 February, 2012

Biography of Jeffrey Dahmer ()

Jeffrey Dahmer: The Monster Within

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was an American serial killer and sex offender. Dahmer murdered 17 men and boys most of whom were of African or Asian descent between 1978 and 1991, with the majority of the murders occurring between 1987 and 1991. His murders were particularly gruesome, involving rape, torture, dismemberment, necrophilia and cannibalism.

Der gefährlichste Mann der Welt - Abdul Qadeer Khan ()

The most dangerous man in the world - Abdul Qadeer Khan

Yakuza - Tokio Mafia ()

A New Interview with Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan ()

An interview with Dr. A Q Khan, who is arrested for the accusedly sell the atomic technology to North Korea and Iran. He is released from the arrest. His latest interview after which he was banned to appear on TV. Uncovers hidden facts and truth about Nuclear program, Zia ul Haq and Bhutto.

MS 13 - The Worlds Most Dangerous Gang ()

Mara Salvatrucha (aka MS-13 or MS or just Mara for short) has earned a very notorious Fame in America and Latin American Region, where it mostly operates. Mara symbolises a number of brutal Gangs scattered in Latin and North American Region. Their members are mostly from the Latin American origin. El Salvador is the first country that had constituted the well known Gang. The Mara Salvatrucha is known for it's extremely aggressiveness and brutality than other gangs. The number of the members is estimated from 50.000 und 100.000 worldwide.

21 February, 2012

Aitraaz (2004)

Akshay Kumar
Priyanka Chorpa
Kareena Kapoor

Thank You (2011)

Akshay Kumar
Bobby Deol
Sonam Kapoor
Irfan Khan
Rimi Sen
Suniel Shetty
Celina Jaitley

Director: Anees Bazmee

Thor (2011)

The powerful but arrogant warrior Thor is cast out of the fantastic realm of Asgard and sent to live amongst humans on Earth, where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.

Chris Hemsworth
Anthony Hopkins
Natalie Portman

Director: Kenneth Branagh and Joss Whedon

Transit (2012)

A family on a road trip is stalked by criminals who stashed stolen money in their car.

HaatimTai Ki Beti ()

Hatim Taai ki Beti

Haatim Tai ()

Hatim Taai

Aladin aur Jadui Chirag ()

Alladin and the Wonderful Lamp
Aladin aur Jaadui Chiraag

Intekhab (1978)


Mohd. Ali
Ghulam Mohiyu-ud-din

Director: Pervaiz Malik

Aap Ki Khatir (1980)

Rahat Kazmi

Director: Zeenat Begam

Shararat (1975)

This farce from S. Sulieman has its moments, thanks to Lehri and Munawer Zareef. Although the site of Ghulam Mohuddin "dancing", with his long legs in spindly, slippery moves and occasional pelvic thrust makes for a hilarious site as well. Everything else is pedestrian Lollywood.

Munawer Zareef

Director: S.Suliman

19 February, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 223 (2012)

Federal Nepal

नेपाललाई कति प्रदेशमा विभाजन गर्ने र प्रदेशहरुका अधिकार के के हुने भन्नेनमा पार्टी पार्टी पिच्छे फरक धारणा छ । अझ पार्टीभित्र पनि गुट उपगुटअनुसार प्रदेशहरुको संख्या र अधिकारका बारेमा फरक फरक धारणा सार्वजनिक भइरहेका छन । त्यतिमात्र हैन, साझा धारणा आउला कि भनेर बनाएको राज्य पुनर्संरचना आयोगले पनि ६ र ११ वटा प्रदेशको दुईथरी प्रस्ताव बुझायो । संघीयता सम्वन्धि आजको साझा सवालमा छलफल गर्न हामीसंग हुनुहन्छ- राज्य पुनर्संरचना सुझाव उच्चस्तरीय आयोगका सदस्य डा. रमेश ढुंगेल, माओवादी नेता सुरेश आले मगर र एमाले नेता रामचन्द्र झा ।

Guests: Ramesh Dhungel, Suresh Ale and Ramchandra Jha
Dates: 19.02.2012

Sin Nombre (2009)

Without Name >> English

Paulina Gaitan
Marco Antonio Aguirre
Leonardo Alonso

Director: Cary Fukunaga

18 February, 2012

The Untold Story: Zaid Hamid-Special 1971 War ()

East Pakistan: The untold Story

17 February, 2012

Tiananmen Massacre - Tank Man ()

Tiananmen Massacre - Tank Man: The 1989 Chinese Student Democracy Movement 

American Views of China - The Roots of Madness (1967)

CIA Archives: American Views of China - The Roots of Madness

Mao's Bloody Revolution ()

Mao's Bloody Revolution

Communism in Romania ()

The Battle of Russia ()

This film shows the history of Russias involvement in the war. Its valiant defense against the Nazi invasion is shown climaxing at Stalingrad with Germany's humiliating defeat. During World War Two the legendary director Frank Capra was asked by the U.S. Government to help explain its "official war policy" to the American public via a series of seven propaganda films. These films were viewed by the armed forces and were also widely shown in civilian theaters.

Painful Deceptions ()

Aryan Atlantis ()

NAZI Search for Atlantis

Delta (2008)

A young man (Félix Lajkó) returns to his village on the Danube delta after many years. Little is revealed about the time that has passed since his departure, but he is greeted by a stepfather he has never met before, as well as his mother and sister (Orsi Tóth).

A seemingly happy occasion, the man's return fractures the family. He decides to build a house out in the marshes, and his sister follows him -- at first to help out, and later to live with him. As their relationship becomes increasingly close and intimate, they elicit the disapproval of their family and eventually of the community too.

Félix Lajkó
Orsolya Tóth
Lili Monori
Sándor Gáspár
Lajos Bertók
Mari Kiss
Martin Wuttke

Director: Kornél Mundruczó

Anna Karenina (2000)

British television adaptation of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina

Zakhochu - Polyublyu (1990)


Nina Ruslanova
Vera Sotnikova
Aleksandr Strizhenov

Director: Vasili Panin

Schimb valutar (2008)


Cosmin Selesi
Aliona Munteanu
Andi Vasluianu

Director: Nicolae Margineanu

The Smell of Paradise ()

Created by BBC who is not exactly in favor of Islam and Muslims but interesting to say the least.

Captured German War Films (1945)

ARC Identifier 64760 / Local Identifier 342-USAF-13034 and ARC Identifier 24043 / Local Identifier 111-ADC-10281. 1939-1945. Summary: POSTHUMOS AWARDS: CU, Swastika emblem, CUs, display of medals - men at attention. Sequence: Civilians receiving awards from Herman Goering. Karl Von Rumstedt, Admiral Erich Raeder and Herman Goering. Goering pays homage at dead soldier's bier. MS, casket placed into mausoleum. HITLER VISITS WOUNDED VETS IN HOSPITAL: CU, Adolf Hitler arriving; with wounded vets, people cheer as he departs. MS, Hitler with officers in the field. MS, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph P Goebbels, Gen Guderian and others standing and talking in field. Review: Sequence - youthful officer inspecting and addressing company of German soldiers at attention, cut ins soldiers listening. VOLKSTURM ON PARADE: Sequence: Aged civilian members Of the Home Guard on parade. CU's brassards with insignia typifying Volksturm. Parade scenes. U BOAT INSPECTION: Sequence: Aged civilian arriving at dock, touring interior of sub, at periscope (evidently U BOAT INVENTOR).

The German Wehrmacht ()

CIA Mind Control Techniques (1979)

MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing Experiments Documentary

Mind Control ()

Most people do not pay conscious attention to the things that affect them subconsciously. They do not usually know what to look for. However, when pointed to, these things can be recognized and understoodThe most effective way to protect yourself from subconscious manipulation is by being aware of how it works.

"It is a sorry state of affairs when people's thoughts are not their own and they don't even know it! Psychological warfare and economic warfare are being waged against America. This explains what is happening to this nation."

Stalin & Mind Control (1992)

When the Soviet Union fell in 1991, Russians gained unprecedented access to the KGB archives. This documentary series, produced in 1992 by Russian filmmakers, contained film and photos that had never been seen by the public before.

Learn Nepali the easiest way ()

Learn Nepali (Nepal's national language) by yourselves.

Learn Tagalog the easiest way ()

Learn Tagalog (Philippines' national language) by yourselves.

Mädchenhandel in Afghanistan ()

Trafficking of Girls in Afghanistan

Die Reise nach Darae Nur: Das Tal des Lichtes ()

The Journey to the Darar-e-Noor: The Valley of Light

Afghanistan through a different Perspective. Basir Hamidy accompanies you  to the Journey across Afghanistan, from an angle, from where the main-stream media don't look through - People and their world.

The Killing of Kashmir ()

Abortion in the Philippines: Agaw-Buhay ()

Agaw-Buhay (Fighting for Life)

A teen-aged girl gets pregnant from rape. A poor woman, bleeding from an abortion, collapses after being shunned by several hospitals.

Despite legal and cultural prohibitions, over half a million women in the Philippines resort to abortion each year. These women do so under pain of being maligned, ostracized and physically harmed to the point of losing their lives.

The Philippines ()

The Aswang Phenomenon ()

Full Documentary on the Filipino Vampire

16 February, 2012

Lex in Nepal ()

An interview with one of Nepal's rising actress who with only two films to her credits has already gained support from the mass. Namrata answer's questions by Lex, questions sent by fans and struggles to get through the rapid fire.

Several journey between Golfutar and Durbar Marg captured to see the fluctuations in meter readings from the different taxis whilst hearing the struggles and highlights of leading the life of a taxi driver in Kathmandu. Find out in the end of the video how much Lex get's ripped off.

This video follows Lex as he sets out to find a destination that is different from the all too familiar Pokhara or Chitwan. Watch 'Janakpur - Nepals Forgotten' to see the part of Nepal which has visibly been left out from the Nepal Tourism Year 2011 promotional campaigns. Temples, railway, and vibrant colour of Janakpur awaits you.
''Though it is Nepal Tourism Year 2011 currently, I did not see much being done in the country. One of the most interesting and unforgettable places for me was Janakpur, here's a video showcasing the city. I enjoyed making this immensely and this is my way of promoting Nepal. I hope somewhere along the line you too will be interested in checking out this religious and colourful city'' Lex Limbu

This video will literally take you to 'See Kollywood', we investigate to find how much traditional Nepali movies are still being enjoyed by the people and the views on Nepali Cinema from figures related with the industry.

Gay Pride Nepal took place on Gai Jatra on the 14th of August 2011 on the streets of Narayangadh, Chitwan. The event had the presence of MP Sunil Babu Pant, various women from different organizations that came out to support the LGBT Community and Meghna Lama.

Iran, Seven Faces of a Civilization (2007)

Beyond the gate of time lies a civilization with seven thousand years of celebrated heritage.
A cradle of civilization a tolerant world empire a crossroad of civilizations a world of artistic forms and shapes a kaleidoscope of architectural marvels recreated for the first time: 
IRAN Seven faces of a Civilization

Inside the Iraq War ()

A documentary by National Geographic.

15 February, 2012

World's Most Dangerous Roads - Nepal (2011)

Iraq Documentary ()

Iraq War Stories You've NEVER heard. Dave Malkoff spends 30 days in Iraq. This Documentary is an official 2011 EMMY® Award Winner

India's silent War ()

Al Jazeera Correspondent Imran Garda examines the 40-year war that has claimed thousands of lives but been largely ignored outside of India.

Mustang: A Kingdom on the Edge ()

A documentary on Mustang Valley of Nepal by Al Jazeera Correspondent Steve Chao, who follows the struggle of the Tibetan people to preserve an ancient culture.

Earthrise ()

14 February, 2012

Massacre in Rome (1973)


The film stars Richard Burton as the Gestapo chief Herbert Kappler who carries out the killings of 320 mostly randomly and hurriedly selected victims as revenge for partisans killing 32 Germans: using a ratio of ten Italian victims for every one German. Meantime the Vatican stands by and issues no condemnation. 

Richard Burton
Marcello Mastroianni
Leo McKern

Director: George P. Cosmatos 

Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck (2007)

A horror film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966.

Corin Nemec
Amy Lyndon
Coley Feifer

Director: Michael Feifer

Hospital Massacre (1982)

A young nurse is stalked by a maniac out to avenge a long-ago Valentine's Day humiliation.

Barbi Benton

Charles Lucia
Jon Van Ness

Director: Boaz Davidson

The King's Speech (2010)

Tells the story of the man who became King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II. After his brother abdicates, George ('Bertie') reluctantly assumes the throne. Plagued by a dreaded stammer and considered unfit to be king, Bertie engages the help of an unorthodox speech therapist named Lionel Logue. Through a set of unexpected techniques, and as a result of an unlikely friendship, Bertie is able to find his voice and boldly lead the country through war.

Colin Firth
Geoffrey Rush
Helena Bonham Carter

Director: Tom Hooper

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)

n August, 1939, a worker goes into labor while working in a slaughterhouse and dies after a complicated labor, though the deformed child survives. The possibly orphaned baby is dumped in a garbage container and found by a beggar later, who brings him home. Along the years, the mentally retarded and disturbed boy called Thomas is raised by the Hewitt family in spite of having psychological problems as well as suffering from an unnamed skin disorder, later working in a meat packing plant. In July, 1969, when the facility is closed, the inhabitants move to other places, but the deformed, mentally childlike Thomas flies into a rage after being insulted and kills the foreman. His deranged brother (considered his uncle due to their age difference) executes the sheriff that is going to arrest Thomas, and assumes his identity, wearing his clothes,driving his car though the roads in Texas and entitling himself as Sheriff Hoyt.

Jordana Brewster
Matt Bomer
Diora Baird
Taylor Handley

Director: Jonathan Liebesman

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre V (2003)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 5
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Michael Bay's Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Driving through the backwoods of Texas, five youths pick up a traumatized hitchhiker, who shoots herself in their van. Shaken by the suicide, the group seeks help from the locals, but their situation becomes even more surreal when they knock on the door of a remote homestead. It's quickly apparent the residents are a family of inbred psychopaths, and the unlucky youths suddenly find themselves running for their lives. In hot pursuit is a disfigured, chainsaw-wielding cannibal known as Leatherface.

Jessica Biel
Jonathan Tucker
Andrew Bryniarski

Director: Marcus Nispel

Texas Chainsaw Massacre IV (1994 )

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4
Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Next Generation
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

When a helpful family invites two lost couples in for a good ol' down-home massacre, the prom night teens find themselves all dressed up... with no place to escape. Renee Zellwegger and Matthew McConaughey star in this hilarious bone-chilling remake of the horror classic. 

Renée Zellweger
Matthew McConaughey
Tonie Perensky
Robert Jacks

Director: Kim Henkel

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: A Family Portrait (1988)

A documentary about the classic 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' film, including interviews with Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface), Edwin Neal (The Hitchhiker), John Dugan (Grandpa) and Jim Seidow (Old Man).

John Dugan
Jim Siedow
Edwin Neal

Director: Brad Shellady

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (1990)

Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3

A couple encounters a perverted gas station attendant who threatens them with a shotgun. They take a deserted path in Texas to seek help, but only meet up with a cannibalistic clan interested in helping themselves to fresh meat.

Kate Hodge
Ken Foree
R.A. Mihailoff

Director: Jeff Burr

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre II (1986)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

This film is a 1986 American big-budget horror sequel to the 1974 horror film The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The film stars Dennis Hopper as "Lefty", Bill Johnson as "Leatherface", and Jim Siedow, who once again picks up the role of "The Cook" (whose real name is revealed to be Drayton Sawyer). It was written by L.M. Kit Carson and directed by Tobe Hooper, who also directed and co-wrote the original.

The film is highly criticized by some for its stylistic departure from the first film, which used minimal gore and a low-budget documentary ambiance to scare its audience by skillfully building up dramatic tension. Unlike its predecessor, TCM2 contains gore and features effects from makeup maestro Tom Savini. The emphasis is on black comedy, which director Tobe Hooper believed was not as obvious in the first film. While successful in its initial 1986 theatrical release, the film failed to make a substantial profit but became quite popular on VHS, leading to a Special Edition DVD release in 2006.

Young DJ Vantia Block is hosting a music show when two renegade hoodlums phone her and start making trouble. The situation changes rapidly as the kids drive to a passageway and get sawed to pieces by Leatherface while the shocked DJ listens the kids' screams. Local sheriff approaches Block and convinces her to play the recording made from the phone call on radio, hoping that the killers would show up.

Dennis Hopper
Caroline Williams
Jim Siedow

Director: Tobe Hooper

Norway Massacre The Killers Mind (2011)

A documentary by Discovery Channel. In 90 minutes of madness, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik killed 69 young people. The film pieces together Breivik’s day of terror hour by hour, from the time of the bomb he set off in Oslo, to the cold blooded shooting of defenceless youngsters on the remote island beauty spot of Utøya. Who is this man, and what made him act? This film examines the criminal mind and motives of one of the world’s worst killers, offering psychological analysis, as the day of the massacre unfolds.

13 February, 2012

The Bodyguard (1992)

A former Secret Service agent takes on the job of bodyguard to a pop singer, whose lifestyle is most unlike a President's.

Kevin Costner
Whitney Houston
Gary Kemp

Director: Mick Jackson

Gimme a Break ()

Cinderella: The Movie (1997)

Updated version of the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical of the classic fairy-tale, with an all-star, multi-racial cast.

Whitney Houston

Apollo 18 (2011)

Decades-old found footage from NASA's abandoned Apollo 18 mission, where two American astronauts were sent on a secret expedition, reveals the reason the U.S. has never returned to the moon.

Life Mein Ek Baar ()

Once in a Life

12 February, 2012

Kaccha Yauvan ()

Laxshmi Musari
Joe Simson

Director: Jai Simha Musari

Rangeen Jawani ()

Radha Rav

Director: Salgia & Co.

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 222 (2012)

Delay in Construction

सिन्धुली सदरमुकाम सिन्धुलीमाडीलाई पूर्व पश्चिम राजमार्गको बर्दिबाससँग जोड्ने ३७ किमी सडक बन्न लागेको तीन दशक नाघिसक्यो । अझै पनि यो बाटो पक्का भएको छैन । यो त एउटा उदाहरण मात्र हो । देशैभरि विकास निर्माणको यस्ता काममा ढिला हुने गरेका प्रशस्त गुनासाहरू सुन्न पाइन्छ । आर्थिक समृद्धिको एउटा महत्वपूर्ण पाटो भनेको भौतिक पुर्वाधारहरूको निर्माण हो । सडक, विद्युत, सिचाईं, विमानस्थलजस्ता ठूला भौतिक पुर्वाधारहरूको निर्माणसँगै देशले समृद्धि हासिल गर्छ । नेपालमा भने चाहे पुल बनाउन होस् वा विद्युत निर्माण अथवा खानेपानी योजना, कुनै पनि बेलैमा सम्पन्न हुँदैन । विकास निर्माणमा किन ढिलाइ हुन्छ त? सिन्धुलीमा तयार गरिएको यो साझा सवालको बहसमा हुनुहुन्छ एकीकृत नेकपा माऒबादीका नेता सीपी गजुरेल र निर्माण व्यवसायी महासंघका अध्यक्ष जयराम लामिछाने हुनुहुन्छ ।

Guests: C.P. Gajurel and Jayaram Lamichhane
Dates: 12.02.2012

Meri Zindagi Ek Agneepath (2005)

Meri Zindagi Ek Agneepath is a story about Avinash, a man who comes to Kolkatta on a secretive mission. When Avinash is injured in a fight his life flashes before his eyes and his reasons for coming to Kolkatta are revealed. Avinash's wife was killed and his son was taken away from him. In pursuit of finding his son, Avinash is met with resistance from the local mob. Will he survive his injury and find his son? Will he ever find love again? Don't miss this amazing movie about love lost and found, family and perseverance.

Anjala Zaveri
Prakashraj / Prakash Raj
Urmila Matondkar
Monica Bedi

Director: A.R.Murugadoss

11 February, 2012

The Cove (2009)

The Cove is a 2009 documentary film of the purported annual killing of about 2,300 dolphins in a National Park at Taiji, Wakayama in Japan. The film highlights that this is about three times the amount of whales killed in the Antarctic, and purports that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year. The migrating dolphins are herded into a hidden cove where they are netted and killed by means of spears and knives over the side of small fishing boats. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan's most recent progress report 1,569 cetaceans in Taiji were killed during the 2007 season, including methods other than drive hunting. A total of 13,080 cetaceans were killed throughout Japan in 2007. Only 1,239 cetaceans were killed by drive hunting.

The film was directed by former National Geographic photographer Louie Psihoyos, and portions were filmed secretly during 2007 using underwater microphones and high-definition cameras disguised as rocks.

The documentary won the U.S. Audience Award at the 25th annual Sundance Film Festival in January 2009. It was selected out of the 879 submissions in the category.

Furthermore, The Cove has been shortlisted for an Oscar nomination at the 2010 82nd Academy Awards. It is up against 14 other films competing for five open slots for Best Documentary Feature.

Paintball (2009)

A truck rumbles down a potholed track. In the back sit a group of passengers, their eyes blindfolded. They don't know each other, but they have a lot in common: they're young, urban workaholics, with an appetite for extreme experiences. They've signed up for a weekend of adventure. As they head out into the unknown, they hear the others breathing in the darkness, steadying their pulses in silence as the adrenaline begins to flow The blindfolds come off to reveal in a dense forest. Each player is equipped with supplies to last the weekend, a powerful paintball gun, ammunition, maps and instructions. They have to complete an adventure trail that takes in ravines, caves and obstacle-ridden trekking paths. The group is split into two teams. The winners will be the team that wipes out their opponents and completes the circuit. They wanted adventure? They got it. Deep in the woods, one group is ambushed. Invisible snipers pin them down in a hail of paint then one of their number collapses, writhing in agony. Red blood mixes with the paint. Confusion reigns. Who is shooting at them? In the silence, they stare round at each other, and into the forest, looking for a traitor or some kind of explanation. The rules of the game have changed. The only law is the law of the jungle, and nobody trusts anybody else. Hidden among the trees, camouflaged by leaves and branches, there are deadly traps. Hunted down like prey in a lethal game, the teams face a desperate struggle for survival. There's nothing like a brush with death to make you feel alive.

Brendan Mackey
Jennifer Matter
Patrick Regis

Director: Daniel Benmayor

Love, Wedding, Marriage (2011)

ラブ・ウェディング・マリッジ >> Japanese

A happy newlywed marriage counselor's views on wedded bliss get thrown for a loop when she finds out her parents are getting divorced.

Mandy Moore
Kellan Lutz
James Brolin

Director: Dermot Mulroney

The Initiation (1984)

Blutweihe >> German

Kelly Fairchild has become a college student and a member of the Delta Ro Kai sorority. During all her life, she has suffered from a nightmare where a man is burning. She meets an assistant professor who can help interpret the dream. The sorority's initiation ritual is a nighttime breaking-and-entering into her father's department store.

Vera Miles
Clu Gulager
Daphne Zuniga

Director: Larry Stewart

Frat Party (2009)

Randy Wayne stars as Duffy, the former campus king of one-night stands, kinky threesomes and wild Gamma House parties. Now he’s fallen in love with super-hot Adriana (Caroline D’Amore of Sorority Row), who trusts him so much that she’s allowing him to throw a final blowout on the night before their wedding.

Randy Wayne
Caroline D'Amore
Jareb Dauplaise

Director: Robert Bennett

One Dark Night (1983)

As the final act of initiation into a high school sorority, new pledge Julie Wells (played by Meg Tilly) must spend the night locked in a mausoleum, a crypt that happens to be the resting place of a psychic vampire who uses his telekinetic powers to reanimate the corpses in the tomb. Trapped in the sepulcher with the demonic fiend, Julie and her sisters face the most terrifying night of their lives in this early 80's chiller directed by Tom McLoughlin.

Meg Tilly
Melissa Newman
Robin Evans

Director: Tom McLoughlin

Me Them And Lara (2009)

Io, Loro e Lara >> Italian

Father Carlo returns home after some years spent in Africa in an humanitarian mission after a faith crisis. Instead of getting the expected peace of mind with the help of his family, he’ll face their innumerable problems: for instance, his father has married a Moldavian woman much younger than him and Carlo’s brothers are worried about the heritage.

Carlo Verdone
Laura Chiatti
Anna Bonaiuto

Director: Carlo Verdone

Red, White & Blue (2010)

Red, White and Blue

Film follows the cool, emotionless Erica, who dives into bed with any man she meets. When she is offered a job in a DIY store in Austin, she discovers the kindness of strangers, but also the gruesome shadowy side of it.

Amanda Fuller
Marc Senter
Jon Michael Davis

Director: Simon Rumley

Burke And Hare (2010)

Based on the true story about the famous murderers, 'Burke And Hare' follows the hapless exploits of these two men as they fall into the highly profitable business of providing cadavers for the medical fraternity in Nineteenth Century Edinburgh, then the centre of medical learning. The one thing they were short of was bodies.

Bill Bailey
Tom Wilkinson
Michael Smiley

Director: John Landis

The Hazing (2004)

A professor, through an ancient staff and a book of incantation, possesses the bodies of a group of fraterity and sorority pledges during a night of "hazing" activities in an abandoned mansion. When the students meet one grisly death after another, the survivors finally realize it's the professor who is possessing their friends and killing them all off. Now none of them trust each other-- is it their friends or puppets of the professor that they're hanging with? Somone better figure it out quick... or none of them will make it through the hellish night of The Hazing!

Brad Dourif
Brooke Burke Charvet
Nectar Rose

Director: Rolfe Kanefsky

Sorority House Massacre (1986)

Death House

A little girl's brother kills the whole family but her (she escapes by hiding in the basement). He is committed, and she grows up with a new family, eventually going to college, where she joins a sorority. Due to a memory block, she doesn't remember that the sorority house was her childhood house. Her brother senses her presence in the house and escapes so he can finish the job he was unable to complete.

Angela O'Neill
Wendy Martel
Pamela Ross

Director: Carol Frank

Alice In Murderland (2010)

It's Alice's birthday and her sorority girlfriends throw her a themed party. Everyone comes as their favorite, sexy character from Wonderland. The Jabberwocky wasn't invited and brings murder and mayhem to the girls' night out.

Malerie Grady
Marlene Mc'Cohen
Kelly Kula

Director: Dennis Devine

Spring Break Massacre (2008)

A sleepover party during spring-break turns deadly for six beautiful sorority co-eds. Stanley Peterson, convicted serial killer, has escaped from maximum security prison. It's up to the college cuties to unravel the mystery of their assailant before the night is over.

Christian Anderson
Reggie Bannister
Toni Buena

Director: Michael Hoffman Jr.

The Telling (2009)

In this horror anthology film, three girls pledge the most popular - and cruelest - sorority on campus. For their final task, they must tell the scariest story they know. Containing three distinct stories - one featuring a murderous doll, one a has-been actress and her run in with a film crew of the undead and, finally, a hunt-and-kill fright-fest. The tales inspire someone at the sorority to commit their own murders.

Holly Madison
Christina Rosenberg
Nicole Zeoli

Director: Nicholas Carpenter

The Haunting Of Sorority Row (2007)

The Deadly Pledge

A college freshman suspects there is something sinister about the prestigious sorority to which she decided to pledge. She comes to find out that there is a mystery surrounding the disappearance of a pledge from the previous year. Too many questions and strange happenings add quite a twist to this tale. 
Samantha Willows, a college freshman, looks to pledge a sorority. Unbeknownst to Sam, it is haunted by a former pledge taking revenge on those who wronged her.

Leighton Meester
Kailin See
Lisa Marie Caruk

Director: Bert Kish

Sorority Wars (2009)

Katie (Lucy Hale) and Sara (Phoebe Strole) have been friends since childhood. They enter college together, where Katie is a prized legacy candidate for the Delta sorority, which was co-founded decades ago by her mother, Lutie (Courtney Thorne-Smith) and Summer (Faith Ford), whose own daughter Gwen (Amanda Schull) now leads the Deltas on campus. Events occur during pledge week to cause a rift between Katie and the Deltas, which leaves Sara as a Delta pledge and Katie out in the cold. Katie joins the rival Kappa sorority, and the rivalry splits not just Katie and Sara, but extends all the way into the Delta alumnae association led by Lutie and Summer.

Lucy Hale
Courtney Thorne-Smith
Amanda Schull

Director: James Hayman

Black Christmas (2006)

Black X-Mas

An escaped maniac returns to his childhood home on Christmas Eve, which is now a sorority house, and begins to murder the sorority sisters one by one.

Michelle Trachtenberg
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Lacey Chabert

Director: Glen Morgan

Black Christmas (1974)

A sorority house is terrorized by a stranger who makes frightening phone calls and then murders the sorority sisters during Christmas break.

Olivia Hussey
Keir Dullea
Margot Kidder

Director: Bob Clark

Eight Glorious Years of Nepali People's War (2004)

10 February, 2012

Facts Behind Babri Masjid Demolition: A True Story ()

The Ayodhya debate is a political, historical and socio-religious debate that was most prevalent in the 1990s in India. The main issues revolve around access to the birthplace of the Hindu God Rama, the history and location of the Babri Mosque at the site, and whether a previous Hindu temple was demolished or modified to create the mosque.

When the Muslim emperor Babur came down from Farghana in 1527, he defeated the Hindu King of Chittorgarh, Rana Sangram Singh at Fatehpur Sikri, using cannon and artillery. After this victory, Babur took over the region, leaving his general, Mir Banki, in charge as Viceroy.

Mir Banki enforced Mughal rule over the population and used terror to maintain control over the civilian population. Mir Banki came to Ayodhya in 1528 and built the Mosque destroying the temple.

Ayodhya is revered by devout Hindus as the birthplace of ancient King of India and Hindu God Rama, believed by Hindus to be an avatar of Vishnu. Mir Baqi after building the mosque on the site of the destroyed temple called it Babri Masjid (Mosque), named after his master Babar.

Also, the 1989 Allahabad High Court order opened the locks of the main gate and restored the site for eternity to the Hindus. However, when Hindus wanted modifications of the dilapidated Islamic style structure built by General Mir Banki on orders of Mughal invader Babur from Uzbekistan (Farghana town) and did Shilanyas (inauguration) of a proposed new grand Temple with Government permissions, there were Muslim unrests in many parts of India and Government moved court. Since, then the matter is sub-judice and this political, historical and socio-religious debate over the history and location of the Babri Mosque, is known as the Ayodhya Debate. Recently on court orders Archeological Survey of India dug the spot and found a previous ancient temple that was demolished or modified to create the later Mosque under Babur.

References such as the 1986 edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica reported that "Rama's birthplace is marked by a mosque, erected by the Moghul emperor Babar in 1528 on the site of an earlier temple".[6] According to the Hindu view, the ancient temple could have been destroyed on the orders of Mughal emperor Babur. This view has been supported by findings of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), which carried out an excavation in Ayodhya.

The latest archeological evidence comes from examination of the site after the destruction of the Babri Mosque. The Archaeological Survey of India under Braj Basi Lal, although initially published as finding no significant structures as these reports were based on inconclusive facts and were mere a media leak, subsequently put forward evidence of a pre-existing temple predating the mosque by hundreds of years as its final report.

In 12th century, a temple complex is built in honour of Lord Ram.
In 1528, the Babri Mosque is constructed by Babar's general , Mir Baqi on the orders of the Mughal leader Babur post destruction of existing Ram Mandir.
In 1949, icons of Lord Ram appeared in the Babri Mosque. The semi-governmental Waqf Board, an Indian Muslim trust owned the land on which the mosque stood. Both Hindu and Muslim parties launch civil suits. The Indian government, declaring the site "disputed", locks the gates to the mosque.

In 1984, a movement is started for the creation of the Ram Janmabhoomi temple by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bharatiya Janata Party, under the leadership of L K Advani.

In 1986, a district judge of Uttar Pradesh, orders the opening of the disputed structure to Hindus. This, allegedly, came from the Congress government, headed by Rajiv Gandhi, which tried to balance the favour shown to the Muslims in Shah Bano controversy.

In 1989- 1990, the VHP intensifies its activities by laying foundations of the Ram temple on the adjacent property. Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar proposes negotiations which only intensify the crisis.

In 1992, on 6 December, the Babri Mosque is forcibly demolished by Kar Sevaks. The then Narasimha Rao led Congress government let a makeshift temple appear in its place before moving the courts for status quo.[9] The demolition of the mosque triggered large-scale rioting.

In 2005 Islamist terrorists attacked the structure and were gunned down by security forces (for more information see Ram Mandir Attack).

On 3 April 2009 the Bhartiya Janta Party - BJP released their Manifesto again promising to construct Ram Mandir

In November 2009 details of the Archeological survey are announced, which result in heated exchanges in the Indian parliament.

Wife Swapping Expose in India (2005)

This is first sting opration ever on wife swapping activiteis in india. done by Prakhar Shrivastava for zee news chnl.

08 February, 2012

Dark Water (2002)

仄暗い水の底から >> Japanese
Honogurai mizu no soko kara >> Japanese

Based on the story of this movie, Walter Salles remade a new movie under the same name - Dark Water (2005).

A mother and her 6 year old daughter move into a creepy apartment whose every surface is permeated by water. 

Hitomi Kuroki
Rio Kanno
Mirei Oguchi

Director: Hideo Nakata

Dark Waters (2003)

Moneyless, ocean-exploring gigolo and his worldly lady-friend are forced to take part in looking into the possibility that aggression - utilizing marine life - is being planned.

Horrors Of The Black Museum (1959)

The promotion announced that this film was released in "Hypnovision" which gives an idea of the story. A frustrated thriller writer wants accurate crimes for his next book so he hypnotises his assistant to make him commit the required crimes.

06 February, 2012

Kina Mayama (2011)

किन मायामा ?

Prashant Tamang
Sumina Ghimire
Bikram Parajuli
Poonam Gurung
Bikram Gautam

Director - Chunilal Ghimire

Snehamante Idera (2001)

Naya Jigar

Aravind (Akkineni Nagarjuna), Chandru (Sumanth) and Krishna Murthy (Sudhakar) are childhood friends. They are inseparable. Chandru and Krishna Murthy are orphans, who are generously brought up by the parents of Aravind. By the time they reach their 20's, Aravind's sister Amrita (Pratyusha) falls in love with Chandru. Chandru hesitates to love her, as she is the sister of his close friend Aravind. Chandru seeks the help of Krishna Murthy to give him some tips to avoid Amrita. After the entire episode, Aravind and Chandru visit Hyderabad to join the work done by Krishna Murthy. When this trio goes for a job of renovating an old palatial house, Aravind encounters a cute girl Padmini (Bhoomika Chawla). A mischief by the jealous cousin sister of Padmini invokes a love from the side of Aravind towards Padmini. When Padmini was about to get engaged to a third guy Chandru jumps in to spoil the party and announces that Padmini cheated Aravind after loving him. The rest of the film is about how the pairs of Arvind - Padmini and Chandru - Amrita get united in the climax.

Bhoomika Chawla

Director: Balasekaran

Armaan (1966)

Waheed Murad

Devta (1956)

The King loses his sight when he is bit by a snake and he needs 'Naag Jyothi' (serpent light) found in the Serpent world to restore his vision. A young man, Vijay (Gemini Ganesan) working in the palace falls in love with the princess, Nalini (Anjali Devi), but he gets banished when the King comes to know about their affair. In order to win the King's heart and get back the princess, Vijay undertakes the hazardous journey of going to the Serpents world getting the magic light from the hood of a snake in the custody of the serpent Queen (Vyjayanthimala). Vijay pretends to love the Queen to gain access to the Serpent light. He succeeds in getting it but the Queen comes to know of Vijay's deception and curses him to become a grotesque and disfigured human.

Anjali Devi
Gemini Ganesan

Director: Pattanna

Teri Puja Kare Sansaar (1985)

Star Cast: Raza Murad, Shashi Bala, Bharat Kapoor, Meher Mittal, Producer: R K Duggal, Director: Thakur Tappasvi, Music: S. Madan. Synopsis : The movie is about reincarnation and because of a mother's sins the daughter has to pay for it. The story is about a woman who in her first birth did not believe in god and then due to certain circumstances dies. In her second birth, she was married to the same person but this time she believed in god but was desperate for a child and when she gave birth to a child, she became a statue. For every sin there is a punishment. However, the child she had given birth to was thrown away and a poor family brought her up. She was treated as a servant there. She was thrown away from there too and then she fell in love with a boy named Mangal.

Rock On (2008)

Farhan Akhtar as Debutant
Prachi Desai as Debutant
Arjun Rampal

Director: Abhishek Kapoor

La Traviata (2010)

China Girl (1987)

A modern day Romeo & Juliet story is told in New York when an Italian boy and a Chinese girl become lovers, causing a tragic conflict between ethnic gangs.

Amar Prem (1971)

Nandkishore Sharma alias Nandu is born in the Sharma family. His mother tragically passes away, leaving him in the care of his father who decides to re-marry a woman named Kamla. Kamla is not very kind to Nandu, who then seeks love and solace with a neighbor named Pushpa, who looks after him, feeds him, and even sings lullabies to get him to sleep. This does not auger well with Kamla, who severely beats up Nandu whenever she finds out that he has gone to meet Pushpa. Then his parents decide to move to another town, and Nandu tearfully bids farewell to Pushpa, but her love for him remains in his heart forever. Years later, Nandu has grown up, his parents have passed away, his siblings are settled independently, and he himself is married. He takes a nostalgic journey to the same town where he used to reside as a child, and rents a room in the same locality. He asks around for a woman named Pushpa, hoping that a lot of people would remember her for her kindness and love. He is shocked to find out that Pushpa not longer lives there - and no one remembers her for her love and compassion only as a - prostitute.

Sharmila Tagore
Rajesh Khanna
Farida Jalal
Rakesh Pandey
Om Prakash

Director: Shakti Samanta

Singhasan (1980)


Shreeram Lagoo / Shriram Lagu
Rima Lagu / Reema Lagoo
Nilu Phule / Fule
Nana Patekar
Arun Sarnayak

Director: Jabbar Patel

Betaab (1983)

Sunny owns a small livestock farm and lives a poor but happy life style with his mother, Sumitra. They wanted the farm to become up to date, so Sumitra decides to make a move abroad in order to bring new equipments for the farm, leaving Sunny in the care of the farm. One day while distributing eggs and chickens, Sunny reaches up with Roma Singh and both can get into the pettiest quarrels and they soon begins to fight and Sunny offers Roma to rebuild his farm house as a part of her punishment. Both soon realize that they are childhood lovers and attempts to rebuild that love once again, both are successful in doing so and plans to get married but there love is opposed by Roma's dad, the wealthy and famous businessman, Sardar Dinesh Singh Girji, who will do anything in his power to prevent Roma and Sunny from meeting leave alone marriage.


Sunny Deol
Amrita Singh
Shammi Kapoor
Nirupa Roy
Prem Chopra

Director: Rahul Rawail

Romeo and Juliet (1968)

Romeo und Julia >> German
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Romeo & Juliet

Shakespeare's classic tale of romance and tragedy. Two families of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, have been feuding with each other for years. Young Romeo Montague goes out with his friends to make trouble at a party the Capulets are hosting, but while there he spies the Capulet's daughter Juliet, and falls hopelessly in love with her. She returns his affections, but they both know that their families will never allow them to follow their hearts.

There are some other versions of Romeo and Juliet stories, like one made in 1996 and another one is in Czech.

Leonard Whiting
Olivia Hussey
John McEnery

Director: Franco Zeffirelli

Romeo i Julia ()

Romeo and Juliet
Romeo und Julia

Movies assembled as the legendary love stories of
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo Julia
Sassi Punnu
Sohni Mahiwal (Indian / Pakistani)
Laila Majnu (Indian / Pakistani)
Shirin Farhad

There are some other versions of Romeo and Juliet stories, like one made in 1968 and another one in 1996.

Romeo + Juliet (1996)

Romeo and Juliet

Movies assembled as the legendary love stories of
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo Julia
Sassi Punnu
Sohni Mahiwal (Indian / Pakistani)
Laila Majnu (Indian / Pakistani)
Shirin Farhad

There are some other versions of Romeo and Juliet stories, like one made in 1968 and another one is in Czech.

Shakespeare's famous play is updated to the hip modern suburb of Verona still retaining its original dialogue. The gun-toting members of the families wage a vicious war on the streets as the star-crossed lovers, their tragic destiny.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Claire Danes
John Leguizamo

Director: Baz Luhrmann

Laila Majnu (1974)

Movies assembled as the legendary love stories of
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo Julia
Sassi Punnu
Sohni Mahiwal (Indian / Pakistani)
Laila Majnu (Indian)
Shirin Farhad

Waheed Murad

Director: Hassan Tariq

Laila Majnu (1979)

Movies assembled as the legendary love stories of
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo Julia
Sassi Punnu
Sohni Mahiwal (Indian / Pakistani)
Laila Majnu (Pakistani)
Shirin Farhad

Kaish Amari comes from a wealthy Islamic family. At the tender age of six he is sent to school and gets friendly with a young girl named Laila. Both of them become close friends, so much so that Kaish gets himself punished and beaten for her. They mature in age so does their love much to the chagrin of Laila's dad, who wants her to marry a wealthy Arabian, Bahksh, a noble Prince. Now the region is aflame with their love story, Kaish, who is now known as Majnu, cannot get Laila out of his mind and roams around the desert semi-senile, without food or drink, while Laila is getting wed to the man of her father's choice. The question remains will love triumph in the end or is this young couple fated to be separated for the rest of their lives.

Rishi Kapoor
Ranjeeta Kaur
Danny Denzongpa

Director: Harnam Singh Rawail

Sohni Mahiwal (1985)

Movies assembled as the legendary love stories of
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo Julia
Sassi Punnu
Sohni Mahiwal (An Indian Film based on the legendary love story) (Pakistani)
Laila Majnu (Indian / Pakistani)
Shirin Farhad

Shahjada Ijjat Beg comes to India with his caravan and settles in a town in Gujrat. Here he falls in love with Sohani, who keeps a shop in metal pots. Ijjat Beg buys pot from her with whatever money he had and they were attracted to each other. Sohni dispensed with her servant and kept Ijjat Beg instead. This gave them more opportunity to meet. This was a scandal in the town and Sohni was perforce married to Rehaman who was slightly off his head. Sohni continued her meeting Ijjat Beg who went out fishing. When the atmosphere became to hot for them they jointly took a water grave for their love.

Sunny Deol
Poonam Dillon
Zeenat Aman
Gulshan Grower
Shammi Kapoor
Rakesh Bedi

Directors: Latif Faiziyev and Umesh Mehra

Sohni Mahiwal (1976)

Movies assembled as the legendary love stories of
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo Julia
Sassi Punnu
Sohni Mahiwal (A Pakistani Film based on the legendary love story) (Indian)
Laila Majnu (Indian / Pakistani)
Shirin Farhad

Yousuf Khan
Asad Bukhari
Ilyas Kashmiri

Director: Raza Mir

Shirin Farhad (1956)

Movies assembled as the legendary love stories of
Romeo + Juliet / Romeo Julia
Sassi Punnu
Sohni Mahiwal (Indian / Pakistani)
Laila Majnu (Indian / Pakistani)
Shirin Farhad (A famous Indian movie based on the popular folktale)

A Princess is forbidden to see her childhood sweetheart and forced to marry an emperor.

Pradeep Kumar
P. Kailash

Director: Aspi Irani