30 December, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 268 (2012)

Political Economy of Deforestation

नेपालको कुनै चीज पारदर्शी छ भने त्यो बन हो । वारिबाट हेरेको बन पारि छर्लंगै देखिन्छ । कृषिमा आश्रित नेपाली जनसंख्याका लागि घाँस, दाउरा, पानीलगायतको स्रोत बन नै हो । तर त्यही बन नै बर्षेनी हजारौं हेक्टर क्षेत्रफल नाङ्गो पारिएको सरकारी तथ्यांकले नै देखाउँछ । नेपालको ७५ जिल्लामध्ये सवैभन्दा बढी बनक्षेत्र भएको जिल्ला कैलाली हो भने सरकारी तथ्यांकअनुसार सवैभन्दा धेरै बन फँडानी भएको जिल्ला पनि कैलाली नै हो । सरकारी आँकडाले कैलाली जिल्लामा मात्र २० हजार हेक्टरभन्दा बढी बन उजाड पारिएको देखाउँछ । बन संरक्षणको नाममा हुने गरेको बन फँडानीका बारेमा बहस गर्न आज हामी कैलाली आइपुगेका छौं । यसरी हुने बन फँडानीमा दोषि को त? कैलालीको देवरिया सामुदायिक बनमा रेकर्ड गरिएको यो साझा सवालको बहसमा पूर्व बनमन्त्री मातृका यादव, सामुदायिक बन उपभोक्ता महासंघ (फेकोफन) का अध्यक्ष अफ्सरा चापागाईं र क्षेत्रिय बन निर्देशनालय, धनगढीका प्रमुख विस्सुबाबु तिवारी हुनुहुन्छ ।

Guests:  Matrika Yadav, Apsara Chapagain / Chapagai and Bishnu / Vishwa Babu Tiwari
Date: 30.12.2012

23 December, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 267 (2012)

Corruption in Governance and Judiciary

नेपाल किन बिग्रियो भनेर सोध्दा धेरैले जवाफ दिन्छन् 'भ्रष्टाचार'। भ्रष्टाचार भन्नासाथ सरकारी कर्मचारी र अदालत पनि जोडिएर आउने गर्छ। कसरि हुन्छ त नेपालमा भ्रष्टाचार? आज हामी प्रशासनिक र न्यायिक क्षेत्रमा हुने भ्रष्टाचारका बारेमा बहस गर्दैछौं । आजको बहसमा हामीसँग हुनुहुन्छ विशेष अदालतका पूर्व अध्यक्ष गौरी बहादुर कार्की र प्रधानमन्त्री तथा मन्त्रिपरिषद् कार्यालयका सचिव कृष्णहरि बाँस्कोटा ।

Guests:  Gauri Bahadur Karki and Krishna Hari / Krishnahari Baskota
Date: 23.12.2012

16 December, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 266 (2012)

Role of Young Leaders to End Political Deadlock

पूर्व संविधानसभाका ठूला दलका ठूला नेताहरु देश बिगारेको दोष बोक्दाबोक्दा हैरान भए झैं देखिन्छन् । नयाँ चुनावको कुरा गर्ने तर कस्को नेतृत्वको सरकारले चुनाव गराउने भन्ने असहमतिमा ६ महिना खेर फालिसकेका प्रमुख दलका युवा नेताहरु चाहिँ अहिले के हेरेर बसेका छन्? अहिलेको राजनीतिक उकुसमुकसबाट देशलाई निकाल्न युवा नेताहरुले हस्तक्षेपकारी भुमिका खेल्न सक्छन् त? राष्ट्रपति तीन सातादेखि सहमतिमा नयाँ सरकार गठन गर्न दलहरुलाई म्याद थप गर्दै बसिरहेकाछन् । तर न सहमतिको लक्षण देखिएको छ, न राजनीतिक रुपमा बन्धक देखिएको देशले तुरुन्तै निकास पाउने अवस्था छ । देशलाई अनिर्णयको बन्धनबाट निकाल्न युवाहरुसँग भएको उपायबारे बहस गर्न आज हामीसँग हुनुहुन्छ एमाओवादी नेता- देबी खड्का, काङग्रेस नेता- गगन थापा र एमाले नेता- योगेश भट्टराई ।

Guests:  Devi / Debi Khadka, Gagan Thapa and Yogesh Bhattarai
Date: 16.12.2012

10 December, 2012

Colossal Olmecs ()

Olmec Heads ()

The Olmec civilization in Mexico sculpted massive stone heads 3000 years ago — 500 years before Rome was founded. These statues weighed up to 40 tonnes and were made from stone that came from the Tuxtla mountains more than 160 kilometres away. The journey would have taken the Olmecs across great rivers and virtually impassable swamps. How did they manage that?

Pakistan - Children of The Taliban ()

Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005)

Gigolo Por Accidente En Europa

Avatar (2009)

09 December, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 265 (2012)

Vacant Constitutional Bodies

सरकार मात्र होइन ठूला साना सबै दल वैशाखमा चुनाव गर्ने भन्दैछन्, तर एक महिनापछि निर्वाचन आयोगमा कोहि आयुक्त हुनेछैनन्। करीव ६ बर्षदेखि भ्रष्टाचारको छानविन गर्ने अख्तियार दुरुपयोग अनुसन्धान आयोगमा प्रमुख आयुक्तको नियुक्ति हुन सकेको छैन न त महालेखा परीक्षकको नियुक्ति हुन सकेको छ । अर्को संवैधानिक निकाय लोकसेवा आयोगको अध्यक्ष पद पनि खाली नै छ । हुँदाहुँदा अब त अदालतहरु पनि न्यायाधीश बिहीन हुन थालेको अवस्था छ । यस्ता संवैधानिक निकायमा हुने रिक्तताले के असर पार्छ ? किन नियुक्त हुन सक्दैनन् आयुक्तहरु ? संवैधानिक निकायमा भएका रिक्तताबारे छलफल गर्न आज हामीसँग सरकारका प्रवक्ता, सञ्चारमन्त्री तथा मधेशी जनअधिकार फोरमका गणतान्त्रिकका अध्यक्ष राज किशोर यादव, पूर्व महालेखा परीक्षक र ट्रान्सपेरन्सी इन्टरनेशनलका नेपालका हालका अध्यक्ष विष्णु बहादुर केसी र न्यायपरिषदका सदस्य अधिवक्ता उपेन्द्र केशरी न्यौपाने हुनुहुन्छ।

Guests:  Raj Kishor Yadav, Bishnu / Vishnu Bahadur K.C. and Upendra Keshari Neupane
Date: 09.12.2012

07 December, 2012

The Cloud Door (1994)

Anu Agrawal
Murad Ali
Vasadeva Bhait
Yusuf Khurram
Bahauddin Dagar

Director: Mani Kaul

03 December, 2012

The Assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr.()

A documentary on the still-unsolved decades-old murder that prompted Filipinos to take to the streets to oust a dictator in the People Power Revolution of 1986.

02 December, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 264 (2012)

Present-Day Nepal's Image Abroad

यो जन्मदै जगतमा कैयौं प्रहार आए
साम्राज्य दुई हारे हारेन शान हाम्रो
गोपाल प्रसाद रिमालले दशकौं अघि रचेको यो भाव जस्तै नेपाली शान उच्च भनेर नेपालीले मात्रै गौरवको गाथा गाइरहेका छन् कि अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जगतको नजरमा पनि नेपालको शिर उँचों नै छ ।
बदलिंदो नेपाललाई अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय जगतले कसरि हेरिरहेको छ? आजको साझा सवालमा छलफलका लगि हामीसँग अमेरिका र भारतका लागि राजदूत भइसक्नुभएका पूर्व परराष्ट्र मन्त्री डा. भेष बहादुर थापा, संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघका लागि नेपालका पूर्व प्रतिनिधि प्रा. जयराज आचार्य र जर्मनीका लागि पूर्व राजदूत प्रा. नोबल किशोर राई हुनुहुन्छ ।

Guests: Bhes / Bhesh Bahadur Thapa, Jayaraj Acharya and Naval / Nawal / Nobal Kishor Rai
Date: 02.12.2012

27 November, 2012

26 November, 2012

Guarding Tess ()

Doug is a Secret Service Agent who has just completed his stint in charge protecting Tess Carlisle, widow of a former U.S. President, and close personal friend of the President. He finds that she has requested that he not be rotated but instead return to be her permanent detail. Doug is crushed. He wants off her detail. She is very difficult to guard and makes her detail crazy with her whims and demands. Doug returns with no idea of how to continue dealing with her.

Shirley MacLaine — Tess Carlisle
Nicolas Cage — Doug Chesnic
Austin Pendleton — Earl Fowler
Edward Albert — Barry Carlisle
James Rebhorn — Howard Schaeffer
Richard Griffiths — Frederick
John Roselius — Tom Bahlor
David Graf — Lee Danielson
Don Yesso — Ralph Buoncristiani
James Lally — Joe Spector
Brant von Hoffman — Bob Hutcherson
Harry J. Lennix — Kenny Young
Susan Blommaert — Kimberly Cannon
Dale Dye — Charles Ivy
James Handy — Neal Carlo

Bloody Mary (2006)

When a group of psychiatric hospital nurses invoke the spirit of Bloody Mary-a supposed urban myth-the slaughter begins. First, a young nursing assistant disappears, her body never found. Now, patients are turning up dead-battered beyond recognition, soaked in blood, their eyes ripped out. Mary's wrath has begun. Freed from her eternal prison behind the mirror's reflection, she unleashes a murderous, maniacal fury upon the asylum. Moving at will through mirrors, she strikes when her victims are unsuspecting, defenseless, and alone. Bloody Mary's legend is real, her vengeance is fatal, and to free her, all you have to do is say her name.

Jaason Simmons
Kim Tyler
Matthew Borlenghi

Director: Richard Valentine

Young and Innocent (1937)

Young and Innocent (U.S. title: The Girl Was Young) is a 1937 British film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and starring Nova Pilbeam, Derrick De Marney and John Longden. It is very loosely based on Josephine Tey's novel A Shilling for Candles (1936).

In the opening scene of the film, Christine Clay (Pamela Carme), a successful actress, argues passionately with her jealous ex-husband. He makes particular reference to Robert Tisdall, a young man staying near her at her retreat on the English coast. Christine slaps him several times across the face, but he hardly reacts, choosing instead to depart without a word.

The next morning, Robert Tisdall (Derrick De Marney) happens to be walking along the seaside cliffs when Christine's body washes ashore. He runs to get help and call the police, but two young swimmers arrive just in time to see him racing away from the corpse. A belt from his raincoat, which had just recently gone missing, is found next to the body, further implicating him in her strangling. He is subsequently arrested and becomes the main suspect, partly because of a large sum of money Christine left to him in her will, a gift he was unaware of. Saddled with a despondent barrister, Tisdall doubts if his innocence will ever be established. He elects to take advantage of a crowded courthouse and make his escape.

Tisdall coerces Erica Burgoyne (Nova Pilbeam), daughter of the local police Chief Constable, to give him a ride in her Morris car. Though she is initially unsure about her passenger, Burgoyne eventually becomes convinced of his innocence and elects to help him in any way that she can. They are eventually spotted together, forcing both to stay on the run. Tisdall tries to prove his innocence by tracking down the stolen coat.
The duo succeed in tracking down Old Will (Edward Rigby), a sociable china-mender and bum that was known to have received Tisdall's coat. He agrees to help them find the man who gave him the coat; unfortunately, all that Old Will can remember about the man is his distinctive eye twitch.

Upon searching the pockets of the coat, Erica finds a box of matches from the Grand Hotel, a place Tisdall has never been to. She is separated from the group, however, and taken in by the police. Upon realizing that his daughter has fully allied herself with the murder suspect, her father chooses to resign his position as Chief Constable rather than arrest her for assisting Tisdall. Nonetheless, Erica and Old Will go to the Grand Hotel together, hoping to find the true murderer. In a memorably long, continuous sequence, the camera moves forward through the hotel ballroom, finally focusing on the drummer in a dance band performing in blackface. Recognizing Old Will in the audience, and seeing policemen nearby (unaware that they have followed Old Will in the hopes of finding Tisdall), the man performs poorly due to fear and is berated by the musical conductor. A nervous breakdown, exacerbated by a drug he has been taking to try to control the twitching, causes the man to pass out in the middle of a performance, drawing the attention of Erica and the policemen. Immediately after being revived and confronted, he confesses his crime and begins laughing hysterically. In the end, Robert Tisdall and Erica Burgoyne are united, with Erica's father smiling benevolently.

Nova Pilbeam
Derrick De Marney
Percy Marmont

Director: Alfred Hitchcock

The Stepfather (2009)

The Stepfather is loosely based on the crimes of John List, who became infamous in 1971 when he took off from his home, after killing his whole family including his mother. List was finally arrested in 1989 after the story of the murders was broadcast on America's Most Wanted.

No Retreat ()

Jean Van Damme

From Paris with Love (2010)

John Travolta
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Kasia Smutniak
Richard Durden
Director: Pierre Morel

25 November, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 263 (2012)

President's Jurisdiction

अन्तरिम संविधानले कल्पनै नगरेको परिस्थितिमा देश पुगेपछि सबैको ध्यान राष्ट्रपतिले अव के गर्लान् भन्नेमा छ । कसैले आलंकारिक त कसैले संवैधानिक भनेका अहिलेका राष्ट्रपतिले खासमा के गर्न सक्छन् त? राष्ट्रपतिको भूमिका र अन्तरिम संविधानअनुसार अधिकारक्षेत्रका बारेमा कुराकानी गर्न आज हामीसँग हुनुहन्छ- अधिवक्ता एवं नेपाली कांग्रेसका पूर्व सभासद राधेश्याम अधिकारी, एकीकृत माओवादी निकट कानुन व्यवसायी रमण श्रेष्ठ र त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय राजनीतिशास्त्रका सहप्राध्यापक लालबाबु यादव ।

Guests:  Radheshyam Adhikari, Raman Shrestha and Lalbabu Yadav
Date: 25.11.2012

18 November, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 262 (2012)

Hydro-power Development and Possibilities

अहिले बन्दै गरेका जलविद्युत परियोजनाहरूमध्ये सबैभन्दा ठूलो क्षमताको विजुली उत्पादन गर्ने दोलखाको लामाबगरमा माथिल्लो तामाकोशी जलविद्युत आयोजनाको निर्माण जारी छ । नेपालीको मात्र लगानीमा बनिरहेको माथिल्लो तामाकोशीको निर्माण तीन बर्षभित्र सम्पन्न गर्ने सरकारी लक्ष्य छ । सधै लोडसेडिङ भइरहने नेपालमा यस्ता ठूला ठूला परियोजना कसरी बन्दैछन्? कहिले अन्त्य होला त लोडसेडिङ? साझा सवालमा आज हामी नेपालमा जलविद्युतको सम्भावना र विकासको बारेमा छलफल गर्दैछौं । दोलखाको सदरमुकाम चरिकोटमा तयार गरिएको यो साझा सवालको छलफलमा उर्जा मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ता अनुप कुमार उपाध्याय, जल तथा उर्जा आयोगको सचिवालयका सहसचिव अर्जुन कार्की र जलस्रोतका अनुसन्धाता डा. उपेन्द्र गौतम हुनुहुन्छ ।

Guests:  Anup Kumar Upadhyay, Arjun Karki and Upendra Gautam
Date: 18.11.2012

Michael Jackson's Private Home Movies ()

14 November, 2012

Lekin... (1990)

Samir Niyogi lives in India and is assigned by the Government to travel to Rajasthan, evaluate a princely castle that once belonged to Raja Param Singh, take stock of all items, the condition of the building, and report back to the Government. Enroute to his destination by train, he permits a woman to enter his compartment, goes to sleep, and when he awakens finds her gone. A few days later, when he goes to the castle, he finds the very same woman cooking within the premises. When both enter the castle, he finds himself back in time and witnesses a scene that happened eons ago. When he recovers, he finds himself alone, and locked in. He breaks out and narrates this incident to his friend and local Collector, Shafi and his wife, Sharda. He does meet the woman again in the dead of night, and after showing him the way, she disappears. Then Sharda asks Samir to wear a amulet at all times as it will protect from evil spirits. He does meet the woman again, this time in the middle of the desert, and is not heard of for two days. When Shafi orders the castle to be searched, a dungeon in particular, is where they find Samir in a state of near-death.

Vinod Khanna
Dimple Kapadia
Amjad Khan
Hema Malini
Mun Mun / Moon Moon Sen

Director: Gulzar / Guljaar / Guljar

12 November, 2012

Walking Tall (2004)

After eight years serving the U.S. Army Special Forces, Sergeant Chris Vaughn returns to his hometown seeking for a job in the local mill. He is informed by Sheriff Stan Watkins that the mill was closed six months ago and now the Wild Cherry Casino, owned by his former high school friend Jay Hamilton, is the major source of jobs and income to the town. Chris goes home, and meets his best-friend Ray Templeton, who organized a football game with their friends. After the game, Jay invites Chris and his friends to spend the night in his casino on him, but when Chris finds that the casino stick-man is cheating with the dices, he fights against the security men and is almost killed by them. When his nephew Pete has an OD with amphetamines sold by the security men of the casino, Chris realizes that the town is dominated by the mobsters and the corrupt sheriff and with a huge piece of wood, he breaks the casino and the criminals. He is prosecuted and in the trial, he promises to the jury and to the population that if he is considered non-guilty, he would be candidate to the sheriff position and clean the town. Later, Sheriff Chris Vaughn has to fight against the organized crime to keep his promise.


11 November, 2012

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 261 (2012)

Dispute of Government and Opposition

सत्तारुढ दलहरु जसरी पनि पूर्ण बजेट ल्याउने पक्षमा देखिन्छन् भने सत्ता बाहिरका दलहरु त्यसलाई अस्वीकार गर्दै सरकार ढाल्न आन्दोलनका कार्यक्रम घोषणा गरिरहेका छन् । जनताले चाहिँ कसलाई साथ देलान् त सरकारको कदमलाई कि प्रतिपक्षको आन्दोलनलाई ? पूर्ण बजेट, फेरि संविधानसभाको चुनाव र सहमतिको सरकार भन्न कुनै दलले छोडेका छैनन्। तर सरकारको नेतृत्व कसले गर्ने भन्नेमा मिल्न नसकेका दलहरुले अब चाहिँ के गर्लान् ? आजको साझा सवालको बहसमा एकिकृत नेकपा माओवादीका नेता एवं संस्कृति, पर्यटन तथा नागरिक उड्ययन मन्त्री पोष्टबहादुर बोगटी, नेपाली काँग्रेसका नेता लक्ष्मण घिमिरे र नेकपा एमालेका नेता सुरेन्द्र पाण्डे हुनुहुन्छ ।

Guests:  Post Bahadur Boagati, Lakshman Ghimire and Surendra Pandey
Date: 11.11.2012

Rudaali (1993)

(Professional) Mourner

In a small village in Rajasthan, India, a woman named Shanichari was born - so named as shortly after her birth her father died; & her mother, Euli, ran away with a rich lover, abandoning her. When Shanichari grew up she was married to a male named Ganju who lived with his ailing mother. Shanichari gave birth to a boy and named him Budhwa. The local Landlord, Ram Avtar's son, Lakhsman Singh, would like Shanichari to live with him as his mistress, but she must first abandon her husband and son, which she is unable to do. Years later, Ganju gets killed after consuming holy water from a temple - Shanichari is unable to weep; Then her ailing mother-in-law passes away - Shanicharni is unable to weep; When Budhwa get's married to a local prostitute, Mungri, who becomes pregnant, and then subsequently aborts the child - Shanichari is unable to weep; When Budhwa runs away from home, never to be seen again - Shanichari is unable to weep. Then a woman named Bhikni enters her life - she is called Rudaali - one who accepts money in turn for loud laments, weeping, & beating of the chest when a rich man passes away for a small fee, some milk, oil, and flour. Bhikni would like Shanichari to also be a Rudaali, but Shanichari eyes are always dry. Then Bhikni is called to weep in another town, it is then Shanichari receives word that Ram Avtar is no more and she is called to be a Rudaali. Knowing fully well that she cannot shed tears, Shanichari does attend the funeral - and it is here that she will receive the news that may bring real tears to her eyes.

Dimple Kapadia
Rakhee Gulzar
Raj Babbar
Amzad Khan

Director: Kalpana Lajmi

10 November, 2012

SuicideGirls: Guide to Living (2009)

The SuicideGirls are basically a bunch of strippers with tattoos, piercings, and "alternative" looks. However, if you've been to a strip club (or nightclub or drug treatment center) in the last ten years, you've probably seen plenty of young women with tattoos and piercings. These girls just have a lot more than average. Some of them kind remind me of a couple of my old girlfriends back in my punk rock days (and I still maintain it took a lot more guts to dress like this in Wyoming back in the 1980's than it does today when its practically mainstream fashion).

Basic (2003)

Basic - Hinter jeder Lüge eine Wahrheit

Tom Hardy, an ex-Army Ranger turned DEA agent, is drawn into an ever-widening mystery surrounding the disappearance of the feared and often hated Sgt. Nathan West, as well as several of his elite Special Forces trainees on what appears, at first, to have been a routine training exercise during a hurricane in the jungles of Panama. Only two survivors are found, Dunbar, and a badly wounded Kendall, the son of a high-profile Joint Chiefs of Staff official. Neither is willing to cooperate with Capt. Julia Osborne's investigation. So base commander Col. Bill Styles calls in ex-Ranger Hardy, an old friend and a persuasive interrogator. Osborne disapproves of Hardy who is on leave from the D.E.A. after having come under suspicion of accepting bribes from local drug traffickers. She is also uneasy when she learns that Hardy once trained under West and hates him almost as passionately as his current recruits.

John Travolta
Samuel L. Jackson
Connie Nielsen

Director: John McTiernan

Das Boot (1981)

The Boat

Jürgen Prochnow
Herbert Grönemeyer
Klaus Wennemann.

Director: Wolfgang Petersen

Ein echter Wiener geht nicht unter ()

Best Of Mundl

Die echten echte Wiener - a mäking off ()

A Mäking Off
The real real Viennese People (Vienna Austria)

Chandni Chowk Te (1984)

Director: Vishal Sharma

The Lion of Punjab ()

Carry On Jatta ()

The film is revolves around a set of people out of the oddball and whose fallacy about each other's backgrounds leads them into a muddled situation. The outcome of the whole chaotic scenario is comically related marital mix ups. The film in the end is a total bedlam that the guys hide their wives and family from each other.

Gippy Grewal
Mahie Gill
Binnu Dhillon
Gurpreet Ghuggi
Jaswinder Bhalla
Rana Ranbir

Director: Smeep Kang

Mitti (2010)


Munde U.K. De ()

Jimmy Sheirgill
Neeru Bajwa

Mera Pind (2008)

Mel Karade Rabba (2010)

Jimmy Sheirgill / Shergill / Shergil
Neeru Bajwa
Gippy Grewal

Director: Navaniat Singh

Long Da Lishkara ()

Raj Babbar
Om Puri
Neena Tiwana
Nirmal Rishi

09 November, 2012

Niñas Mal ()

Girl Friend ()

Lost and Delirious (2001)

Megastructures: Deep Sea Highway ()

Megastructures: Super Pipeline ()

Megastructures: Extreme Railway ()

National Geographic: Megastructures - Extreme Railway

The longest nonstop Flight ()

From Singapore to New York - Longest NONSTOP commercial passenger flight with Airbus A340-500

The Proposition (2005)

A lawman apprehends a notorious outlaw and gives him 9 days to kill his older brother, or else they'll execute his younger brother.

Red: Werewolf Hunter (2010)

The modern-day descendant of Little Red Riding Hood brings her fiancé home to meet her family and reveal their occupation as werewolf hunters, but after he is bitten by a werewolf, she must protect him from her own family.

Felicia Day
Kavan Smith
Stephen McHattie

Director: Sheldon Wilson

Cactus (2008)

A man is kidnapped from his city home in the quiet hours of the night and, the kidnapper, John Kelly, embarks on a journey into the Australian Outback towards the place where his hostage is due for delivery. As time and distance roll by, the strength and endurance of both men will be tested to the very end.

Satin rouge (2002)


After the death of her husband, Lilia's life revolves solely around her teenage daughter, Salma. Whilst looking for Salma late one night, Lilia stumbles upon a belly dance cabaret and though initially reserved and taken aback by the culture of the place, Lilia gets consistently drawn back to it. She befriends one of the belly dancers and is encouraged into dancing for the audience. Lilia also starts a romance with one of the cabaret's musicians, who unbeknown to both of them, is also romancing Salma.

Hiam Abbass
Hend El Fahem
Maher Kamoun

Director: Raja Amari

Antropophagus (1980)

Antropophagus, released in the United Kingdom as Anthropophagous: The Beast and in the United States as Anthropophagus: The Grim Reaper, also known as Zombie 7: Grim Reaper, is a 1980 Italian horror film directed by Joe D'Amato and co-written by D'Amato and George Eastman, who also starred in the film. The film also starred Tisa Farrow, Saverio Vallone, Margaret Donnelly, Vanessa Steiger, Mark Bodin, Bob Larsen, Simone Baker, Mark Logan, Rubina Rey and Zora Kerova. Anthropophagous: The Beast was released in the United Kingdom in 1980 uncut by VFP. It soon became one of the infamous titles to feature on the government's Department of Public Prosecutions list (DPP), better known to the tabloid press as the "Video Nasty" list. It was later successfully prosecuted under the Obscene Publications Act in 1984. Anthropophagous: The Beast also saw another release in the UK, prior to its banning from a very small video company known as Videoshack. This release, although cut, is highly collectible among fans today due to its extremely scarce existence. The film would be released theatrically in America as The Grim Reaper around fall of 1981 from former independent distribution company Film Ventures International in a heavily edited version to get an R rating and dubbed.

A group of tourists become stranded on an uninhabited island where they are stalked by an insane, violent, and grotesque killer that slaughtered the town's former residents.

Tisa Farrow
Saverio Vallone
Serena Grandi

Director: Joe D'Amato

Wild Orchid (1989)

A woman lawyer becomes mesmerized by a self-made millionaire during an encounter in Rio setting off a series of erotic encounters.

Mickey Rourke
Jacqueline Bisset
Carré Otis

Director: Zalman King

Un été à La Goulette (1996)

Ein Sommer in La Goulette

Summer, 1967. La Goulette, the touristic beach of Tunisi, is the site where three nice seventeen-year-old girls live: Gigi, sicilian and catholic; Meriem, Tunisian and Arab; Tina, French and Jewish. They would like to have their first sexual experience during that summer, challenging their families. Their fathers, Youssef, Jojo and Giuseppe, are old friends and their friendship will be in crisis because of the girls, while Hadj, an old rich Arab, would like to marry Meriem.

Sonia Mankaï
Ava Cohen-Jonathan
Sarah Pariente

Director: Férid Boughedir

DeepStar Six (1989)

The crew of an experimental underwater nuclear base are forced to struggle for their lives when their explorations disturb a creature who threatens to destroy their base.

Greg Evigan
Nancy Everhard
Taurean Blacque

Director: Sean S. Cunningham

06 November, 2012

Best of The Best I (1989)

Best Of The Best
Best Of The Best 1
Karate Tiger IV - Best of the Best

A team from the United States is going to compete against Korea in a Tae Kwon Do tournament. The team consists of fighters from all over the country.

Eric Roberts
James Earl Jones
Sally Kirkland
Phillip Rhee

Director: Robert Radler

Best of the Best II (1993)

Best of the Best 2
Best of the Best: The Invincible
Der Unbesiegbare - Best of the Best

The Colosseum is the fighting arena owned by the champion Bracus. Now after the death of their friend, Rhee and Roberts want revenge.

In an underground fight club, blackbelt Travis Brickley is killed after losing to the evil martial arts master Brakus. Travis' death is witnessed by Walter Grady, the son of his best friend Alex Grady. Alex and his partner, Tommy Lee, vow to avenge their friend's death by defeating Brakus and shutting down the fight club.

Eric Roberts
Phillip Rhee
Chris Penn

Director: Robert Radler

Best of the Best III (1995)

Best of the Best 3
Best of the Best 3: No Turning Back
Best of the Best III - Gegen den Terror

A martial arts instructor comes to the defense of a schoolteacher who has taken a stand against a local white supremacist organization.

Phillip Rhee
Christopher McDonald
Gina Gershon

Director: Phillip Rhee

Best Of The Best IV (1998)

Best Of The Best 4
Best Of The Best: Without Warning
Best of the Best: Ohne jede Vorwarnung

A group of Russian mobsters have stolen a huge supply of paper for printing U.S. currency, and are now flooding the market with conterfeit bills. When one of the mobsters decides to give herself in and hand over a data CD to the DA, she is shot and killed, but not before handing the disc to an unsuspecting Tommy Lee. Despite working with the police as a martial arts instructor, Lee doesn't go to the cops with the disc, but instead goes on the run, giving the mafia time to kidnap his daughter and hold as a hostage in exchange for return of the disc.

Phillip Rhee
Ernie Hudson
Tobin Bell

Director: Phillip Rhee

Kaumarya ()


Unni Krishnan

Director: A.T. Joy

Anagarikam (2012)

Bag of Rice (1998)

Kiseye Berendj

Gold and Copper ()

طلا و مس

Iranian film by director Homayoun Assadian, where a young student of religious sciences must turn his knowledge about Islam into action, when his wife is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Assadian mixes the daily life demands in the Tehran metropolis, with the deepest and most prioritary teachings of the Islamic religion, through the language of Hafez and Mowlavi (Rumi) poetry.

Director: Homayoun Assadian

Darbareye Elly ()

Har Shab Tanhai ()

Every Night Loneliness

A woman is faced with a severe personal dilemma in this drama from Iranian filmmaker Rasoul Sadrameli. Atieh (Leyla Hatami) is the host of a radio show in which she takes calls from listeners and offers advice on marital problems and troubled relationships. But Atieh could use a bit of advice herself -- she and her husband Hamid (Hamed Behdad) have not been getting along, and nearly every evening their conversations turn into bitter arguments. Atieh visits the doctor, thinking she might be pregnant, and instead is diagnosed with a serious illness that could easily be fatal. Atieh and Hamid go on a spiritual pilgrimage to the holy city of Mashad, searching for guidance and perhaps a miracle, and while visiting a mosque to pray, Atieh meets a young girl who can't find her mother. As Atieh and the child talk, their shared hopes and anxieties gives Atieh a new lease on life. Har Shab, Tanhee (aka Every Night, Loneliness) was an official selection at the 2008 Montreal World Film Festival.

Buried Secrets (1996)

Arriving in White Cliffs, Maine, Annalisse Vellum, (Tiffani-Amer Thiessen) and her mother Laura, (Melinda Culea) move into a new home that has been abandoned for years. Trying to fix it up, she keeps having strange visions and dreams about the house, which is laughed off as unfinished grieving over her father. As she spends more time in the house, she find s herself communicating with Mary Roff, (Erika Flores) the deceased daughter of Clay Roff, (Tim Matheson) the town's mayor and tells her of another crime in the family that must be resolved before she can leave the property. Setting about trying to solve the mystery, she uncovers the horrible truth involving the different relationships in town and tries to right the wrong and free her friend from her existence.

Hayat (2005)

Hayat, meaning life, is a 12 year old girl who resides with her family in a small village in Iran. The little girl is preparing hard to appear in the school exams. Unfortunately, her father falls ill the day before her exams and had to be hospitalized. The little girl is agitated to babysit her infant sister on the most important day of her life. However, she was not the kind of a girl who would give up easily. With the help of some well-wishers, Hayat makes every possible effort to give her exam.

Swimming (2000)

Two girl friends in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina find their relationship changing as they encounter new arrivals to the town during the summer.

Cánh Bướm (2004)


Flavia is a thirtysomething married teacher. She has suppressed the memory of her adolescent lesbian fling with Jin and is stuck in a stifling marriage. A chance encounter in a supermarket with the playful and seductive singer Yip reawakens dormant feelings and she begins to think back on her teenage affair with Jin.

05 November, 2012

Skyfall (2012)

Starring:Daniel Craig
Judi Dench
Javier Bardem
Ralph Fiennes
Naomie Harris
Bérénice Marlohe

Director: Sam Mendes

04 November, 2012

Mujhse Shaadi Karogi (2004)

Salman Khan
Akshay Kumar
Priyanka Chopra
Amrita Arora
Amrish Puri
Satish Shah
Rajpal Yadav
Shefali Jariwala
Supriya Karnik

Director: David Dhawan

BBC - Sajha Sawal Eps. 260 (2012)

Use and Impact of Pesticides

कृषि उत्पादन बढाउने नाममा कृषकहरूले खेतबारीमा विषादीको प्रयोग बढाउँदै लगेका छन् । विषादी प्रयोग हुने नेपालका धेरै ठाउँहरूमध्ये काभ्रेको पाँचखाल उपत्यका पनि एक हो । किसानहरूले त्यस्तो विषादी उचित रूपले प्रयोग गरेका छन् त? खेतबारीमा प्रयोग हुने विषादीको किसान र उपभोक्तामा पर्ने असरका बारेमा सम्वन्धित निकाय कत्तिको सचेत छ त? ६० बर्षअघि विदेशीले दान दिएर नेपालमा विषादी भित्रिएको थियो । अन्नपात, सागसब्जी र फलफूल धेरै फल्छ भन्दै शुरूमा किसानलाई विषादी प्रयोग गर्न सरकारले नै प्रोत्साहन गरेको थियो । तर अहिले किसानले प्रयोग गरेको विषादीको कारण मानिसको स्वास्थ्यमा असर गरेको कुरा सुनिने गरेको छ । रासयानिक मल र विषादीको प्रयोगलाई कम र व्यवस्थित गर्न के गर्नुपर्ला? काभेको पाँचखाल उपत्यकामा तयार गरिएको साझा सवालको यो बहसमा कृषि मन्त्रालयअन्तर्गत विषादी पञ्जिकरण तथा व्यवस्थापन शाखाका प्रमुख सावित्री बराल र विषादीका सम्वन्धमा अनुसन्धान गरिरहनुभएका डा. श्याम लोहनी हुनुहुन्छ ।

Guests: Savitri / Sabitri Baral and Shyam Lohani
Date: 04.11.2012

Superbau - Kölner Dom ()

Der Kölner Dom ist ein technisches Meisterwerk. In "Superbauten" erzählt der Schauspieler Sebastian Koch die spannende Geschichte von Baumeistern, die über sich hinauswuchsen, und einem Gebäude, das wie kaum ein zweites mit seiner Stadt verbunden ist.

Eternally Yours (1939)

Anita, engaged to solid Don Barnes, is swept off her feet by magician Arturo. Before you can say presto, she's his wife and stage assistant on a world tour that seems never to end. Anita is mildly annoyed by Arturo's constant flirtations, but his death-defying stunts give her nightmares.

Loretta Young
David Niven
Hugh Herbert
Billie Burke
C. Aubrey Smith
Raymond Walburn
Zasu Pitts
Broderick Crawford
Virginia Field
Eve Arden
Ralph Graves
Lionel Pape
Fred Keating

Director: Tay Garnett

The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

He Man and The Masters Of The Universe: The Beginning (2002)

He Man and The Masters Of The Universe: The Beginning 01,02,03

Ninja in the Dragon's Den (1982)


Conan Lee
Hiroyuki Sanada
Hwang Jang Lee

Director: Corey Yuen / Yuen Kwei (Debutant)

9/11 Chaos in the Sky ()

9/11 хаос в небе

For the first time, you'll hear the stories of real Americans who were at the heart of what happened on September 11, 2001. You'll hear actual recordings from air traffic controllers as they watched the first plane fly into the World Trade Center. Listen to audio recordings taken from flight UA93 before it crashed into a Pennsylvania field. See how defense teams raced to send fighter jets to intercept any incoming planes to the pentagon, but unfortunately arrived too late.

Gaspard et Robinson (1990)

Rejected by others, two solitary outsiders Gaspard and Robinson form a close bond of friendship and retreat to the barren salt marshes of Marseilles to open a seaside café. Gaspard’s wife walked out on him when he lost his job; Robinson was abandoned by his parents when he was a child. When Robinson meets an old woman alone by the side of the road, he takes her back to his home and offers to let her stay. Gaspard is less enthusiastic at the idea of adopting an old woman.

Director: Tony Gatlif

Gérard Darmon
Vincent Lindon
Suzanne Flon

Sahara (1995)

James Belushi
Alan David Lee
Simon Westaway

Cypher (2002)

Starring:Jeremy Northam
Lucy Liu

Director: Vincenzo Natali

Veettilekkulla Vazhi (2011)

വീട്ടിലേക്കുള്ള വഴി
The Way Home

The film's world premiere took place at the 12th Mumbai Film Festival on 22 October 2010 as the opening film in the Indian Frames section.[2] It was an official selection for 28 international film festivals. It won the award for Best Feature Film in Malayalam at the 58th National Film Awards and the NETPAC Award. It also received accolades at the Zanzibar International Film Festival and Imagine India Film Festival, Spain. The film released in theatres in Kerala on August 5, 2011.

Veettilekkulla Vazhi (Malayalam: വീട്ടിലേക്കുള്ള വഴി, English: The Way Home) is a 2010 Indian Malayalam adventure drama film written and directed by Dr. Biju. The film is about terrorist organizations operating in India and how they recruit young Keralites. It stars Prithviraj, Indrajith and Master Govardhan in the lead roles.

Revolver (2005)

After seven years in solitary, Jake Green is released from prison. In the next two years, he amasses a lot of money by gambling. He's ready to seek his revenge on Dorothy (Mr. D) Macha, a violence-prone casino owner who sent Jake to prison. He humiliates Macha in front of Macha's lieutenants, leaves, and keels over. Doctors tell him he has a rare disease and will die in three days; Macha also puts a hit out on him. Loan sharks, Zack and Avi, demand Jake's cash and complete fealty in return for protection. Jake complies, and through narration and flashbacks, we watch him through at least three days of schemes, danger, and redemption.

Jason Statham
Ray Liotta
Vincent Pastore

Director: Guy Ritchie

Al-Enám ()

The Debt ()

Christopher has been kidnapped by a mysterious villain who claims that the former owes him a debt. Little does Christopher know that there is more to the kidnapping than he thinks.
A short film from Nagaland.

Siege of Grozny (1995)

Revealed - The Hajj ()

The Invisible Man (2000)

"Darien Fawkes is a petty thief and conman who is bailed out of jail by his brother in return for undergoing an experiment that implants a "quicksilver" gland in his head that allows him to turn invisible. When his brother is killed, he ends up working for a top-secret government organization (disguised as the Department of Fish & Game) in return for a counter-agent which keeps the gland from driving him insane."

Ghastly (2011)


Seo-Ni (Han Eun-Jung) raises an orphan named Bin. Seo-Ni then becomes involved in a horrifying mystery and discovers a shocking secret.

Build it Bigger - Mumbai Airport ()

Big Bigger Biggest Airport - Heathrow Airport ()

Extreme Engineering: Subways In America ()

Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy (1998)

The legacy of the Nazis is with us today. The British and US governments took over where the Nazis left off in their search for occult knowledge and technology. They have been corrupted by the same spirit. In Ezekiel God speaks about Israel having the spirit of idolatry which she was polluted by in Egypt in her youth. This spirit showed itself later when Israel lusted after the gods of Babylon and Assyria who in turn were used to destroy her. When America incorporated all the Nazi scientists into her own government during Operation Paperclip she replicated Israels actions and now lusts after the same occult knowledge. The aims of Western governments and scientists are the same as the Nazis to usher in a New Golden Age a Third Reich where technology turns man into a god. Its the same lie told over to man again and again and he falls for it every time. Hitler wanted to create a super race of semi-divine beings the West are now close to achieving his goal. The destruction of mankind is inevitable only God's intervention will stop it.

Operation Paperclip (2008)

The Road to War - Japan ()

Pearl Harbor: The View From Japan (1994)

On December 7, 1941, explosions rocked Pearl Harbor and altered the course of history. Now, meet the man who executed the attack. Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was a military genius who brought modern warfare into the aerial age. Although opposed to attacking the United States and "awakening the sleeping giant," Admiral Yamamoto dedicated his life to the battle that devastated U.S. morale and forced America into World War II.

In an interesting historical departure, this fascinating documentary analyzes the attack on Pearl Harbor from the Japanese point of view and focuses on Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the Japanese military mastermind who (though bitterly opposed) planned the attack on the U.S. fleet anchored in Hawaii. If history is written by the victors, this view of the events of December 7, 1941, fills an important gap in the historical narrative of World War II.

It is somewhat mis-titled, for it actually briefly covers the entire ill-fated Pacific campaign. It has a strong focus on Admiral Yamamoto himself--his foresight and vision as a military leader, and his reluctance to enter into a fight with the U.S. It is interesting to hear a few words from the Japanese perspective, yet it seems that is all you get--a few words. There is little groundwork laid which might explain more fully Japan's reasons for attacking us.

Hitler's War on America ()

Hitler War on America

Big Bigger Biggest: Aircraft Carrier ()

Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan - Venus Fly Trap ()

Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan - Deadly Underfoot ()

Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan - Kill or Capture ()

Build it Bigger: Azerbaijan's Amazing Transformation (2011)

After decades of Soviet occupation, Azerbaijan is reinventing itself. With a $6 billion a year renovation and 500 new developments, Danny Forster goes behind the scenes of Baku's construction projects: the Flame Towers and Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center.

The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover ()

الطباخ واللص وزوجته والعشيق

Kiemno ()

War of the Servers ()

The Last Warning (1929)

Laura La Plante
John Boles

Director: Paul Leni

Der Klimaschwindel ()

In einer Aufsehen erregenden Dokumentation bestreiten namhafte internationale Wissenschaftler massiv die These ...

Ist es Panikmache oder Wahrheit, dass sich das Erdklima verändert? Beides trifft zu! Erdgeschichtlich hat sich das Klima schon oft und wesentlich dramatischer als heute verändert. So gab es etwa vor 450.000 Jahren die Waal-Warmzeit, vor 400.000 Jahren die Günz-Kaltzeit, vor 350.000 Jahren die Cromer-Warmzeit, vor 320.000 Jahren die Mindel-Kaltzeit usw. Wie man sieht gab es den Klimawandel schon lange bevor es Autos, Flugzeuge, Heizungen usw. gab.

Strafbataillon 999 (1960)

Zu den menschenunwürdigsten Erscheinungen des 2. Weltkrieges gehörten die sogenannten Strafbataillone. Diese Sondertruppen wurden mit Straffälligen besetzt, die als "Bewährungssoldaten" besonders gefährliche Einsätze bestreiten mussten. Am Beispiel von vier Personen unterschiedlichster Herkunft wird dem Zuschauer die Willkürlichkeit der Auswahl dieser Todeskandidaten deutlich.

Sonja Ziemann
Georg Thomas
Werner Peters

Director: Harald Philipp

Lonely Wives (1931)

Edward Everett Horton plays Richard "Dickie" Smith, a respectable defence lawyer, for murder cases, who turns into an unfettered Don Juan, after the clock strikes 8 o'clock, in this Pre-Hays Code comedy.
To fool his Mother-in-Law, Maude Eburne, as Mrs. Mantel, he hires famous vaudeville impersonator Felix, the Great Zero, played by Edward Everett Horton, in a double role, to stay at the house.
While he goes out on the town, with his new, sultry secretary, Patsy Ruth Miller, as Kitty "Minty" Minter; and, his new client, Laura La Plante, as Diane O'Dare, unsuspecting that the husband she wants to divorce, for neglect, is actually Felix, the Great Zero, himself.
When Esther Ralston, as Madeline Smith, returns early from her trip, Felix knows that the jig is up; or, is it.
It's a question of who's fooling who, which ends with an angry husband chasing them all with a loaded gun, an irate cabby looking for his fare, and a seemingly, flirtatious, fired, French maid.
Meanwhile, Spencer Charters, as Andrews, the Butler, thinks he must have the DT's, seeing double of everyone.
They know they'll reform their ways, if any of them survive the night.

Edward Everett Horton
Esther Ralston
Laura La Plante
Patsy Ruth Miller
Spencer Charters
Maude Eburne
Maurice Black

Director: Russell Mack

So this is Paris (1926)

Ernst Lubitsch
Myrna Loy

Driven (2001)

Sylvester Stallone

Casanovva (2012)


Shriya Saran
Jagathy Sreekumar
Lalu Alex
Jagathy Sreekumar
Lakshmi Rai
Riyaz Khan
Nova Krishnan

Director: Roshan Andrews

Pyar Karenge Pal Pal (2008)

Pyar Karenge Pal Pal is a slow romantic movie which tells the story of the two lovers how the meet and how the fall in love with each other , and as usual villan in a story who tries to stop them from meeting some fights clashes but some how they manage to escape form their place to live their own.... but love is hated by most of the parents.

Fazal Khan

Director: MangaI Sahani

03 November, 2012

My Little Bride (2004)

어린신부 >> Korean
Mi Pequeña Novia >> Spanish

Synopsis:Bo-Eun (Moon Geun-Young) is an ordinary high school girl who worries about SAT's and has a crush on her school's baseball team ace, named Jung-Woo (Park Jin-Woo). One day, Bo-Eun's grandfather orders her to marry Sang-Min (Kim Rae-Won). When they were very young, Bo-Eun's and Sang-Min's grandfathers had promised that they would become in-laws. Despite their opposition, they are forced to marry because of the strong influence of Bo-Eun's grandfather. Bo-Eun's undercover married life begins: She pretends that she doesn't have a husband and starts dating Jung-Woo. Bo-Eun believes that she can manage both men and live a double life. Everything goes smoothly until Sang-Min visits Bo-Eun's school as a student teacher.

Gangaji - River of Freedom (1995)

The End of the Line (2009)

Hans Westmar (1933)

Horst Wessel Biography ~ written by Hanns Heinz Ewers

The Student of Prague (1913)

Der Student von Prag >> German
Lo studente di Praga
Пражский студент >> Russian
Devil Deal
A Bargain with Satan

The first Horror Film in cinema history.

Edgar Allan Poe
Paul Wegener

The Three Muskteers (1921)

Sometimes They Come Back Again (1996)

Murderous spirits hell-bent on revenge return to haunt John Porter, a young man whose sister they had murdered three-decades ago. Just as before, they start tormenting him by taking over the body of his lovely teenage daughter, but the spirits make a terrible mistake by underestimating Porter; for though terrified, he is also determined to stop the evil. ~ Sandra Brennan, Rovi

All about Tammy ()

Der ehemalige Box-Champ Sy 'The Bruiser' Balkovich schuldet seinem Freund Lucas einen Gefallen und geht daher mit der eigensinnigen Tammy aus. Lucas seinerseits hat den Auftrag Tammy zu verkuppeln. Als der Betrug auffliegt ist das Chaos perfekt: Tammy hasst Sy, der sich jedoch während der ganzen Schmierenkomödie in sie verliebt hat.

Dispatches Afghanistan: Behind Enemy Lines ()

Arzaq.Ya.Donia ()

 فيلم أرزاق يا دنيا
Minimum Livelihood O

Everything You Know IS Wrong (2012)

Isa Pygamber ()

الريس عمر حرب ()

Al Rayes Omar Harb

Circumstance ()

شرایط فیلم کامل

Enough (2002)

Jennifer Lopez

From Tehran to Cairo ()

از تهران تا قاهره

Farah Pahlavi ()

Open Water II ()

Prostitution Behind the Veil ()

Iran: Prostitution Behind the Veil

Minna and Fariba are neighbours and good friends. They support one another. Both have to live under the pervasive curtailment of women's rights and the double standards of today's Iranian society. They make a living walking the streets looking for men. They have a choice between leaving their small children at home alone or bringing them along when they have sex with men.

The film is a sympathetic portrait of the two women, exploring their day-to-day life and the workings of prostitution in a country that bans it and prosecutes adulterers, sometimes with the penalty of capital punishment.

Many of the clients find a way to buy sex and still comply with Muslim law: they marry the women in what is called 'Sighe', a temporary marriage sanctioned in Shia Islam. Sighe can last from two hours up to 99 years. Both Minna and Fariba enter into Sighe with clients, and Fariba is in a Sighe marriage with a neighbour, Habib, that lasts six months. Giving his perspective on temporary marriage, Habib says that Sighe is a way to help poor women, it is an act of mercy in the name of Allah.

The film follows the two women for more than a year. It describes their middle-class backgrounds and their submission to treacherous men and drugs. We see how Fariba manages to quit drugs and prostitution, only to find herself temporarily married to a man who will not let her leave the house.

Essabat Al Nessaa ()

عصابة النساء
Gang of Women

Triple Cross: Bin Laden's Spy In America ()

This is the true story of Egyptian spy Ali Mohamed. He infiltrated U.S. intelligence agencies, including the CIA and FBI, and joined the U.S. Army. At the same time, he took orders from the Egyptian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization and later joined forces with al Qaeda. He trained Osama bin Laden's jihadist warriors and helped plan terrorist attacks including the 1998 African embassy bombings.

02 November, 2012

ركلام ()


Islam and the Real Life of Muhammad ()

The Gravedancers (2006)

The Gravedancers was released on November 3, 2005. It was screened as one of the 8 Films to Die For series in 2006, as part of the After Dark Horrorfest imprint of Lionsgate films. This is essentially an annual direct-to-video release series, although the films are screened in participating theaters for a limited period of time in major American markets.

An unidentified young woman, alone in a room, is attacked by an invisible assailant, who hangs her in the stairway of her house. As she dies, she drops an ornate black envelope.

A year later, former college friends Sid (Marcus Thomas), Kira (Josie Maran), and Harris (Dominic Purcell) go out drinking after a funeral. They break into the Crescent View Cemetery to say their final goodbyes to the departed. Continuing their revelries, they get quite drunk. Sid finds a black envelope tucked behind a garland of flowers at the grave. It contains a poem urging those present to be joyful and to dance upon the graves. In their drunken state, the three regard this as a celebration of life, and they dance.

Soon enough, mysterious things begin to happen. Harris and his wife Allison (Clare Kramer) are frightened by unexpected visions and odd sounds. Then Kira is attacked by a demonic force. She is severely bitten and sexually assaulted, and her house is ransacked. Sid is plagued by unexpected fires. They enlist a pair of paranormal investigators, Vincent Cochet (Tchéky Karyo) and Frances Culpepper (Megahn Perry), who determine that the three inadvertently invoked a powerful curse by dancing on the graves. They are now being haunted by three wayward spirits - a passionate axe murderer, a child pyromaniac, and a serial killer and rapist - who will kill them at the next full moon.

As the full moon approaches, they return to the cemetery to disinter the remains of their tormenters, hoping to bury them anew and put the curse to rest. Not all of the critical parts make it back into the ground, however, and on the final night the three experience renewed attacks, more powerful and furious than any to date. They are trapped together, with the investigators, by the malevolent spirits, who move in to take their revenge. Sid is incinerated by his firebug ghost; Kira is murdered and her body is possessed by the axe murderer who is pursuing Harris.

Under duress, Culpepper admits that she foiled the burial plan by hiding the skulls of the corpses, the better to gather hard evidence of ghostly activity. Harris takes the skull for his ghost, hoping to place it in a grave which Vincent has conveniently left open in the yard as a safety measure and break the curse at the last moment. He helps Allison escape the house through an attic window, and she crashes back in, through the outside fence and walls, in Vincent's Humvee, which was also parked in the yard.
The spiritual force in the house coalesces and takes the form of a demonic head, which chases after the fleeing Humvee, shattering interior walls as it comes. After a near brush with defeat, the final skull is at last put in its resting place, and the energy of the raging ghosts disappears.

Finally, Allison and Harris walk through the cemetery after the funerals of their friends. As they leave, the groundskeeper carefully places a black envelope in a familiar style on one of the tombstones.

Dominic Purcell as Harris Mckay
Clare Kramer as Allison Mitchell
Josie Maran as Kira Hayden
Marcus Thomas as Sid Vance
Tcheky Karyo as Vincent Cochet
Megahn Perry as Frances Culpepper

Directed by Mike Mendez

Jeepers Creepers I (2001)

Jeepers Creepers 1
Jeepers Creepers - Es ist angerichtet

Trish and her younger brother Darry are driving home for Spring break -- it's a routine road trip home from college, with the siblings bickering and enjoying the drive. They recall a spooky tale of a teenage couple from their old high school who disappeared twenty years earlier along the same stretch of road that they are on. As the story goes, they found her body but they never found him...or her head. Later, driving past an old church, they see a mysterious cloaked figure, who chases them before vanishing. Soon, their road trip is turning into a heart-stopping race for their lives, as they find themselves the prey of an indestructible force that relentlessly pursues them and gives a new and chilling meaning to the old song "Jeepers Creepers".

Gina Philips
Justin Long
Jonathan Breck

Director: Victor Salva

Jeepers Creepers II (2003)

Jeepers Creepers 2

When their bus is crippled on the side of a deserted road, a team of high school athletes discoversan opponent they cannot defeatand may not survive. Staring hungrily at them through the school bus windows, the "Creeper" returns again and again. But when the teammates discover that it's selective about whom it attacks, it will test their ability to stick togetheras the insatiable menace tries to tear them apart!

Jonathan Breck
Ray Wise
Nicki Aycox
Garikayi Mutambirwa
Eric Nenninger

Director: Victor Salva

01 November, 2012

Bebo and Bashir ()

Bebo wa Bashir
Bebo we Bashir

The movie is a romantic comedy that relates the story of a young man called Beshir, who has a dual nationality and is being forced by circumstances to reside with “Bebo”, played by Menna Shalby.

Asser Yassin
Menna Shalaby

Death Wish (1974)

Adios Amigo (1976)

A cowboy's crimes are blamed on another man.

Fred Williamson
Richard Pryor
James Brown

حين ميسرة ()

Heen Maisara >> Arabic
White Soft >> English

Die Geschichte des Islams ()

The History of Islam
7 Stätten der muslimischen Welt
Les sept Merveilles de L'islam

The Crazies (2010)

As a toxin begins to turn the residents of Ogden Marsh, Iowa into violent psychopaths, sheriff David Dutton tries to make sense of the situation while he, his wife and two other unaffected townspeople band together in a fight for survival.

Wuthering Heights (2003)

Two lovers engage in a passionate but thwarted romance in this modern adaptation of the classic novel.

Erika Christensen
Mike Vogel
Christopher Masterson

Director: Suri Krishnamma

Wuthering Heights (2009)

Emily Brontë's Sturmhöhe >> German

Braving her father Edgar Linton's warning not to cross the estate border, young Catherine discovers her charming, but sickly cousin, and the manly Hareton are the heartlessly scorned and abused sons of wealthy Heatcliff on the Earnshaw estate. This launches a flashback how Heathcliff was raised as Cathy's best friend by her kind father, Mr. Earnshaw. After his death, the son and heir returns from boarding school, married, and reduces Heathcliff to the rank of stable boy, enduring constant abuse in order to remain with Cathy. After an accidental meeting with elegant gentleman Edgar Linton, she falls in love. To Hindley's delight, this drives Heathcliffe away. [PART II] Three years later, he returns wealthy enough to buy the estate, a day after Kathy married Edgar. He takes revenge, which instead of satisfaction brings misery to all. After Kathy and later Edga's death.

Tom Hardy
Charlotte Riley
Andrew Lincoln

Director: Coky Giedroyc

Wuthering Heights (1992)

Stürmische Leidenschaft >> German
Đồi gió hú >> Vietnamese

Heathcliff is Cathy Earnshaw's foster brother; more than that, he is her other half. When forces within and without tear them apart, Heathcliff wreaks vengeance on those he holds responsible, even into a second generation.

Juliette Binoche
Ralph Fiennes
Janet McTeer

Director: Peter Kosminsky

Wuthering Heights (1939)

Stürmische Höhen >> German

A servant in the house of Wuthering Heights tells a traveler the unfortunate tale of lovers Cathy and Heathcliff.

Merle Oberon
Laurence Olivier
David Niven

Director: William Wyler

Ae In ()

The Intimate

Telling a story of two strangers who meet by chance in an elevator, The Intimate follows their journey through the day and night (which doesn't seem to end by the way), as they discover about each other, and about themselves in the process. Kinda like Before Sunrise in its treatment, the lovers, nameless except known as Boy (Jo Dong-Hyuk) and Girl (Sung Hyun- Ah), play the usual courtship mind games, playing coy, being aggressive, taking turns to bust each others chops as they fall into each other's arms.

Sounds like your typical romance movie, no? At certain points the usual elements are there, like plot devices romanticizing a bench and hand drawn pictures, and the mushy things lovers whisper to the ears of another. Clichéd highlights include one needing to leave the country the next day, and the other being engaged to someone else, and now both of them, by Fate, are presented a chance to do something totally different. But in this story, it managed to take aged old questions of doubt, and weave a compelling movie around them.

The basic question will be what is love. Is it supposed to be long drawn and lasting a lifetime, or is the feeling actually made up of short passionate bursts? And after being with someone for so long, is it a question of being afraid to leave the comfort zone of familiarity, or does it boil down truly to faithfulness? The nagging fear of being about to marry someone, and then you meet your soulmate - what do you do? Blame the person for turning up in your life too late? And it is somehow true that the longer you know someone, the more faults that you will find, and the question is, will you be able to live with those faults, or do you prefer to live in that constant crest of emotional highs and bailing out when the slightest inclination of such faults start to rear its head?

It helps that both leads are eye-candy, as they offer you a chance to answer some of those questions yourself if you were to put yourselves in their shoes and be offered the same set of temptations - here's what you currently have, and here's what someone else can offer. What would you do? If there is a gripe, it'll be the one-dimensional fiancé that somehow has to be demonized in order to make the other option all the more appealing.

It's a relatively engaging movie, though watching the out takes while the end credits rolled made you appreciate the movie's direction a little more. While those scenes which were left out may be seen as more interesting, somehow I felt it would have disrupted the pace and dragged events rather than having it all compacted into a screen duration of 24 hours. It would have been a totally different look and feel altogether, but probably not for the better.

Sexy Criminal ()

Sexy Criminals 2

Anita (Annie Macaulay) and friends sets out to defeat Leo (Fredrick Leonard) after he publicly embarrassed their gang. Anita who is expected to fight back as the leader of the gang, develops feeling for Leo's poise and brave heart. 

Director: Prince Iyke Olisa

Dr. Mengeles Erben ()

Dr. Mengeles Erben: Menschenexperimente im Kalten Krieg

Die Erprobung von Giftstoffen für staatliche Mordaufträge und tödliche Experimente mit Lagerinsassen verbindet man mit dem systematischen Massenmord der Nazis. Josef Mengele ist der bekannteste Vertreter dieser "Wissenschaft ohne Gewissen".

Die Geschichte der Menschenversuche im Auftrag des Staates beginnt in den 20er Jahren im "Labor 12" des sowjetischen Geheimdienstes. Dort wurden tödliche Gifte an "Volksfeinden" erprobt. Die Existenz dieses Labors wurde nur durch einen Zufall Anfang der 90er Jahre bekannt, denn Russland hält die Akten über Menschenversuche bis heute geheim. Das "Labor 12" allerdings gibt es unter anderem Namen bis heute.

Nach den Massenmorden während des Zweiten Weltkrieges handelten einige der schlimmsten Kriegsverbrecher mit den Siegermächten Straffreiheit gegen Übergabe der Versuchsergebnisse aus. So arbeitete der japanische General Ishii Shiro, der für den Tod von über 300.000 Menschen verantwortlich war, nach dem Krieg für die USA. Dort waren Militär und Geheimdienste angetan von den Ergebnissen echter Menschenexperimente mit Pest, Anthrax und Tularämie, Unterkühlung, Unterdruck und neuartigen Bomben. Bislang konnten die Militärs nur auf Daten aus Tierversuchen zurückgreifen. Keiner der mindestens 10.000 Verbrecher von Ishiis Todesimperium wurde in den USA bestraft. Einige beendeten ihre wissenschaftlichen Karrieren als Manager großer japanischer Pharma- und Medizinunternehmen. Es störte die Sieger angesichts des Rüstungswettlaufes im Kalten Krieg nicht einmal, dass Ishiis Untergebene auch mit US-Kriegsgefangenen experimentiert hatten. "Mengeles Erben" haben den Zweiten Weltkrieg überlebt, indem sie neuen Herren dienten. Sie waren weiter im Staatsauftrag aktiv. In Nordkorea gibt es nach Zeugenaussagen sogar bis in die Gegenwart Gaskammern, in denen Massenvernichtungsmittel an Häftlingen erprobt werden. In vielen ehemals kommunistischen Staaten verläuft die Aufarbeitung der finsteren Vergangenheit schleppend. Auch die ehemalige CSSR experimentierte mit Verhördrogen und Giften. Die Versuche und Ergebnisse sind bis heute geheim und werden vertuscht. Vielleicht, weil sich wie nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg erneut interessierte Abnehmer für Spezialkenntnisse finden.

Über einige der bisher kaum erforschten systematischen medizinischen Experimente an Menschen berichtet der Dokumentarfilm "Mengeles Erben" weltweit zum ersten Mal im Fernsehen.

The Rake (2011)

The Rake is a horror film created in the summer of 2011. It was produced in two days on a zero dollar budget. If you enjoyed this, then please subscribe so you can view our upcoming films.

Maan Sanman (2008)

Two brothers live with their aged parents. The parents have sacrificed everything to see that their children get everything in their life. But now both the brothers shun away from their duty to look after their parents and plan to send them to an old age home. Left with no choice the parents leave the house.

Shivaji Satam
Reema Lagoo
Yatin Karyekar
Resham Tipnis
Pankaj Vishnu
Nisha Parulekar

Director: Pravin Raja Karale

31 October, 2012

Bazzar (2012)

Rajesh Hamal
Arjun Karki
Arunima Lamsal
Dinesh Dc
Jay Kishan Basnet
Hemanta Budhathoki
Susil Pokhrel
Deepak Chettri
 Nagindra Rizal
Pusker Bhatta

Director: Madhu Kumar Shrestha

The Thing (2011)

At an Antarctica research site, the discovery of an alien craft leads to a confrontation between graduate student Kate Lloyd and scientist Dr. Sander Halvorson.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Joel Edgerton
Ulrich Thomsen

Director: Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.

Intruder (1989)

The ex-boyfriend of a check-out girl at a supermarket returns at closing time to make trouble. They quarrel and the boyfriend is ejected from the store. After they lock the building up to take inventory, the employees start dying off, and the survivors must eventually find a way to escape with their lives.

Elizabeth Cox
Renée Estevez
Dan Hicks

Director: Scott Spiegel

Intruders (1992)

Intruders - Die Aliens sind unter uns >> German

All over the world, people report they've been visited by aliens, taken aboard spaceships and medically examined. The authorities appear to know all about these visits but won't acknowledge it publicly. This film focuses on two 'victims' who struggle to live normal lives, but the aliens keep coming back. All is explained (perhaps) at the end.

Richard Crenna
Mare Winningham
Susan Blakely

 Director: Dan Curtis

Wizards Of Waverly Place ()

Wizards of Waverly Place is an Emmy Award-winning live-action Disney Channel Original Series which premiered on October 12, 2007 on Disney Channel.The series was created by Todd J. Greenwald, and stars Selena Gomez, David Henrie and Jake T. Austin, as three siblings with magical abilities.The series has been picked up for a third season; it began filming in July 2009 in High Definition.
Tired of being treated young, Alex wants to go to an R rated movie with Justin's friends and accidentally transports herself into the movie. Meanwhile, Theresa treats Max like he's a youngster because she thinks Alex and Justin are growing up too fast.
Spells: Satisfy my empty belly, make me a peanut butter and jelly - the ability to transform some one into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Although I like such tasty snacks, I'd rather have my brother Max - the ability to transform Max when turned into a sandwich back into a human
I'm old enough to hang with actress/model/spokeswoman Ruby Donahue, so get me into Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2 - the ability to teleport into the movie Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2
We've had enough of all this fear, so hurry up and get us out of here - the ability to teleport to the basement of the movie Night of the Halloween Sorority Party Disaster 2
I'm scared of what might happen next, so take us to the mondoplex - the ability to teleport to the Mondoplex
Guest Stars: Tiffany Thornton as Susan, Malese Jow as Ruby Donahue

Reborn (2010)

Set in the present time in the Windy City, we follow billionaire playboy Marco D'Koh, who has it all except one thing; the truth.

Death of a Hollow Man ()

Midsomer Murders - Death of a Hollow Man

There Is Evil On The Other Side of ur Mirrors (2008)

Kiefer Sutherland An ex-cop and his family are the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home.

Slacker (1991)

Rumtreiber >> German

Presents a day in the life in Austin, Texas among its social outcasts and misfits, predominantly the twenty-something set, using a series of linear vignettes. These characters, who in some manner just don't fit into the establishment norms, move seamlessly from one scene to the next, randomly coming and going into one another's lives. Highlights include a UFO buff who adamantly insists that the U.S. has been on the moon since the 1950s, a woman who produces a glass slide purportedly of Madonna's pap smear, and an old anarchist who sympathetically shares his philosophy of life with a robber.

Richard Linklater
Rudy Basquez
Jean Caffeine

Director: Richard Linklater

Hatchet for the Honeymoon (1970)

Severance (2006)

Creep (2004)

Trapped in a London subway station, a woman who's being pursued by a potential attacker heads into the unknown labyrinth of tunnels beneath the city's streets.

Franka Potente
Sean Harris
Vas Blackwood

Director: Christopher Smith

Titanic (1996)

The plot focuses on the romances of two couples upon the doomed ship. Isabella Paradine (Catherine Zeta Jones) is a wealthy woman mourning the loss of her aunt, who reignites a romance with old flame, Wynn Park (Peter Gallagher). Meanwhile, a charming ne'er do well named Jamie Perse (Mike Doyle) steals a ticket for the ship, and falls for a sweet innocent Irish girl on board. But their romance is threatened by the villainous Simon Doonan (Tim Curry), who has discovered about the ticket and makes Jamie his unwilling accomplice, as well as having sinister plans for the girl.

Peter Gallagher
George C. Scott
Catherine Zeta-Jones

Director: Robert Lieberman

Hatchet I (2006)

Hatchet 1

A motley crew of tourists embark on a boat ride of the haunted Louisiana bayous where they learn the terrifying tale of local legend "Victor Crowley"; a horribly disfigured man who was tragically and accidentally killed with a hatchet by the hands of his own father. But when the boat sinks and the ghost story turns out to be real, the group tries desperately to escape the swamp with their lives...and all of their pieces.

Kane Hodder
Joel David Moore
Deon Richmond

Director: Adam Green

Hatchet II (2010)

Hatchet 2

Marybeth escapes the clutches of the deformed, swamp-dwelling iconic killer Victor Crowley. After learning the truth about her family’s connection to the hatchet-wielding madman, Marybeth returns to the Louisiana swamps along with an army of hunters to recover the bodies of her family and exact the bloodiest revenge against the bayou butcher.

Bibi Ho To Aisi ()

Farooq Shaikh
Salman Khan

The Man in the Moon (1991)

Japan - Der 2.Weltkrieg in Farbe ()

Japans tauchender Flugzeugträger ()

Japans Geheimwaffe: Japans tauchender Flugzeugträger

Sexsucht? - Wenn Lust zur Qual wird (2007)

30 October, 2012

Mirror (1975)

Зеркало >> Russian
Zerkalo >> Russian

This cinematic expression of the author’s reflections is one of the best films of Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky. Its working title was “White, White Day”. Quoted in the film are some of the verses by the remarkable poet Arseny Tarkovsky, the director’s father. The film’s protagonist reminisces about his childhood, his mother who raised him, the people who helped his family in the trying post-war years. "In ‘Mirror’ I wanted to tell not about myself, but about my feelings, connected with the people that were close to me, about my relations with them, about my eternal compassion for them and the unrealizable sense of duty," said Andrei Tarkovsky.

Margarita Terekhova

Filipp Yankovsky
Ignat Daniltsev

Director: Andrei Tarkovsky / Andrey Tarkovskiy

The Bleeding (2009)

Surrounded by carnage, slaughter, brutal crashes and total mayhem, Shawn Black is in a race to save the world from pure evil.

Abandoned (2010)

Mary Walsh (Murphy) delivers boyfriend Kevin Peterson(Cain) to a hospital for routine outpatient surgery. A nurse tells her the surgery will be exactly one hour. When she returns to take him home, he has mysteriously disappeared. An administrator (Rogers) can find no record of Kevin, and a police search turns up nothing. Increasingly frantic, Mary is taken to staff psychiatrist Dr. Bensley (Peter Bogdanovich), who pronounces her unstable. Now she must not only find her missing boyfriend, but prove her sanity as well.

When a older man informs Mary that he knows Kevin’s whereabouts and demands a $10 million ransom, she has one hour to comply ... and her boyfriend’s life hangs in the balance. Forced to embezzle the money from the bank where she works, Mary soon discovers the shocking truth behind the disappearance. Now time is running out and she must take matters into her own hands to save herself.

The Truth (2010)

When a couple is taken hostage in their home by an intruder, a simple home invasion robbery turns into something much more complicated. The wife may, or may not, know the intruder; and the intruder may, or may not, have previously crossed paths with the husband.

Mirrors (2008)

An ex-cop and his family are the target of an evil force that is using mirrors as a gateway into their home.

Mirror Mask (2005)

In a fantasy world of opposing kingdoms, a 15-year old girl must find the fabled MirrorMask in order to save the kingdom and get home.

Stephanie Leonidas
Jason Barry
Rob Brydon

Director: Dave McKean

Dark Mirror (2007)

A photographer moves her family into a strange old house, where she discovers an alternate reality reflected in the glass... A dark reality that is closing in on her. [2010]

Lisa Vidal
David Chisum
Joshua Pelegrin

Director: Pablo Proenza

Black Death (2010)

Set during the time of the first outbreak of bubonic plague in England, a young monk is tasked with learning the truth about reports of people being brought back to life in a small village.

Eddie Redmayne

Sean Bean
Carice van Houten
David Warner
Kimberley Nixon
David Masterson
John Lynch
Tim McInnerny
Johnny Harris
Andy Nyman
Emun Elliott
Marianne Graffam
Tygo Gernandt
Nike Martens
Martin Hentschel

Director: Christopher Smith

Die (2010)

Six people, each of them is on the road to self-destruction. They wake up in cells in a surreal facility, without knowing how they got there or why. Are they in denial? Are they crazy? What happened? As they try to figure things out, a mysterious man forces the six abductees to participate in a disturbing experiment called the Trials. During the experiment, the unwilling participants will come to face disturbing truths about themselves and decide each others and fate in a game of dice. As the storyline unfolds, we discover that something greater connects them all.

Chittagong (2012)

Manoj Bajpai
Barry John
Delzad Hiwale
Vega Tamotia
Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Director: Bedabrata Pain

Chakravyuh (2012)

Abhay Deol
Arjun Rampal
Om Puri
Esha Gupta
Manoj Bajpayee
Anjali Patil
Kabir Bedi
Murli Sharma

Director: Prakash Jha

29 October, 2012

RFK Assassination As It Happened ()

Die Wahre Religion ()

يسرا ومى عز الدين (2012)

Yusra Lome Azzedine

Nigrani ()

Biraj Bhatta
Mukesh Dhakal
Jenisha KC
Arnima Namsal

Les princes (1983)

Die Prinzen
Tod im Regen

Gérard Darmon
Muse Dalbray
Céline Militon

Director: Tony Gatlif

فيلم ركلام نسخة أصلية كاملة ()

Anarkali (1953)

Anarkali (1953) Super Hit Classic Love Story (w subtitles) Music: C. Ramchandra/ Synopsis: The Anarkali-Salim legend is unsupported by historic evidence but the story of thwarted youthful love in conflict with convention and authority provides rich dramatic material with immense popular appeal. It is no surprise therefore that this popular legend has been filmed many times on the silver screen. The film "Anarkali" is based on the legendary romance between Prince Salim (Pradeep Kumar) and Anarkali (Bina Rai). One of the greatest historical love stories ever told and brought to the big screen in a classic style by Filmistan. With nine super hit songs including the all time great "Yeh Zindagi Uski Hai"

Pradeep Kumar 
Beena Roy 
Kuldeep Kaur 
Manmohan K

Director: Nandlal Jaswantlal