Pathey Holo Deri is a Classic Bengali Movie directed by Agradoot, starring This story revolves around a doctor named Jayanta Mukherjee and Mullika (Suchitra Sen), Mullika belongs to a rich family and she is the only daughter of Sripoti, an aristocratic snob Jayanta is from a lower middle class family. Mullika's grand father Sripoti arranges the marriage of Mullika to Promotesha who also belongs to a rich family and is studying law in England. In the meantime holding in Darjeeiling, Mullika and Jayanta fall in love each other. They know that Sripati will not accept this relation because of Jayanta's identity. Mullika gives her Jewellery to Jayanta to achieve the degree of FRCS in England. When Sripati comes to know that Mullika gave the Jewellery to Jayanta, Sripoti tells her that Jayanta used her for money to go to England. He corrupts Mullika's mind. Jayanta writes lots of letter to Mullika, but when Sripati comes to know about this, he writes a letter to Jayanta telling that Mullika wants to marry Promothesh and their wedding ceremony will be held within a month. In England, Jayanta meets Arati, who is a patient of Jayanta. Aarati falls in love with Jayanta, but he does not show any interest in Aarati. After returning to India, Jayanta goes to meet Mullika, but Sripoti insults him and tells bim that she is married. One day Jayanta goes to picnic with Aarati's family. Aarati's sister tells him that her daugher's teacher Latika is very ill and requests Jayanta to take the responsibility to treat her. When Jayanta sees Latika, he comes to know that Latika is none other than Mullika. He feels sorry about Mullika and tells all the story to Aarati. Then he takes Mullika with him and goes for change. Mullika still believes that Jayanta used her. Jayanta tells her that his grand father created a misunderstanding between them and shows all the letter. Then Mullika understands what her grandfather has done. Mullika tries to commit suicide, but Jayanta saves her. Mallika get's back her faith for life and stands on her own feet. Jayanta comes to her, they hug each other.
Uttam Kumar
Suchitra Sen
Director: Agradoot
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5 years ago
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