Ganga is a Classic Bengali Movie directed by Rajen Tarafdar, starring Niranjan Roy & Sandhya Roy. Based on Samaresh Basu's novel by the same name, Ganga is a story of the fishermen who stay on the banks of the river. Bilas (Niranjan Roy) is a young fisherman who aspires to lead his flock some day. Himi (Ruma Guhathakurta), a rich and spirited girl falls in love with Bilas and he too loves her back. But she gives up on him when Bilas' obsession for power over the fishermen gets the better of him. Gamli (Sandhya Roy) is Bilas' friend but secretly loves him too. Whether or not Bilas manages to fulfill his dreams and repercussions it has on the people are what Ganga is all about.
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