Bhalo Theko is a Bengali Movie, directed by Gautam Halder, starring Vidya Balan & Debshanker Halder. It is the 32nd birthday of Anandi, daughter of an aristrocatic family, residing just near the city but not beyond the reach of the people. A morning starts with open skys dreams of days and nights, nightmares haunting down the memory lane. A river sings with a pretty voice, shrieks at times while a bell rings, something ominous is found in the behaviour of a character, not an offshoot a green dream turns red with purity and love mingled with each other. Some characters appear only and disappear in their own ways. Fact remains, two branches of a tree look straight to the open blue sky, carrying the marks of time tormented on its skin.
Vidya Balan
Debshanker Halder
Director: Gautam Halder
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5 years ago
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