Human Weapon was a weekly television show on The History Channel that
premiered on July 20, 2007. The hosts, Jason Chambers and Bill Duff,
travel across the world studying the unique martial arts, or styles of
fighting, that have origins in the region.
Each episode usually
consists of a brief introduction regarding the featured martial art,
including footage of established fighters sparring. The hosts will then
travel to various locations, learning several strikes, blocks, or other
techniques valuable to the particular art from various instructors
and/or masters. Along the way, they learn about the origins and cultural
history of each fighting style. To help the viewer understand the moves
the hosts learn, each technique is visually broken down with a motion
capture element.
After practicing featured aspects of the art, the
hosts typically assess the various skills and their effectiveness. At
the end of each episode one of the hosts must fight a representative of
the episode's fighting style.
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5 years ago
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