Synopsis: As Raj, (Salman Khan), a lonely orphan boy who arrives in Mumbai from Goa to fulfil his dreams of becoming a top singer. As he achieves his dreams after a long struggle and frustration he realizes that his long awaited dream has nothing but a dark end, until destiny takes a new turn. Raj saves a beautiful girl Pooja (Rani Mukherjee) gallantly from a deadly accident, since Pooja is in a coma due to shock, her hilariously humble, rich and loving family mistakes Raj for her husband whom they were expecting to meet soon. The mix-ups escalate as Raj fabricates a life between himself and a girl he has never met in order to escape this predicament. When Raj himself falls for a beautiful girl Janvi (Priety Zinta) who also happens to be Pooja's best friend the situation really gets uproarious - As Raj is soon forced to make a choice between the two best friends.
Salman Khan
Rani Mukherjee
Preity Zinta
Kamini Kaushal
Paresh Rawal
Shakti Kapoor
Satish Shah
Director: Raj Kanwar
Einladung zu unserem kultur Programm in Wien
5 years ago
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