05 March, 2012

Gangland - Race Wars ()

Gang-on-gang violence has always been a problem, but lately it's taken on a far more sinister edge.
In southwest LA's Harbor Gateway neighborhood, gang violence has exploded. Earlier this year, Latino gang members were arrested for shooting and killing a 14-year-old African-American girl simply because of her race. L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa succinctly stated: "Enough's enough."
This teenage girl's death is believed to be part of a larger RACE WAR started by Los Angeles' Hispanic gangs. Jockeying for turf with rival groups, they figured the easy way to secure territory was through ethnic cleansing. African-American gangs have started to respond in kind. It's part of a trend that has lead to all out gang warfare on the city's streets.
"Colors" has taken on a new meaning in GANGLAND and will only lead to one thing: RACE WAR.

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