16 November, 2013

Immolate: Abdullah, the Father of Prophet Muhammed ()

"Zahbi" is the Persian name of this film which is based on the life the Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib, the father of our Holy Prophet, Muhammed (saws).

The film highlights several historical incidents that revolve around the character of Hazrat Abdullah

1) Character of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, the grand father of The Holy Prophet (saws)
2) Re-excavation of the well of ZamZam
3) The vow of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib for having more children
4) Fulfillment of the Vow - which highlights the character of Hazrat Abdullah and how much the people of Mecca were attached to him
5) Mariage of Hazrat Abdullah with Janabe Aamena
6) The death of Hazrat Abdullah

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