26 October, 2012

Hinduism - Science Proves True and Aryan Invasion Theory Proven False ()

It can be scientifically proven that the Vedic culture is indigenous, through archaeology, the study of cultural continuity, by linguistic analysis and genetic research. Therefore proving the Aryan invasion theory is false.

The Vedas and Hinduism are not mythology but fact. The Aryan invasion theory was a lie, started by people who were racially bias and Christian missionaries.

Many of the worlds greatest thinkers admired the Vedas as great repositories of advanced knowledge and high thinking.

"That I encounter in the Vedas deep original lofty thoughts, suffused with a high and holy seriousness" - Arthur Schopenhauer (the famed German philosopher and writer)

"I owed a magnificent day to the Bhagavad Gita" - Ralph Waldo Emerson (well known early American writer, who read the Vedas daily)

"In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita, in comparison with which our modern world and it's literature seems puny and trivial" - Henry David Thoreau (American writer, historian and philosopher.)

"Vedanta is the most impressive metaphysics the human mind has conceived" - Alfred North Whitehead (British mathematician, logician and philosopher)

"The Vedas are the greatest privilege of this century" - Julius Robert Oppenheimer (the principle developer of the Atomic bomb)

"India was Chinas teacher in trigonometry, quadratic equations, grammar, phonetics..." and so forth. - Lin Yutang (Chinese scholar and author)

"Everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges" - Francois Voltaire (famous French writer and philosopher)

From these statements we see many renowned intellectuals believed that the origins of scientific thought was the Vedas. The Vedic literatures contain descriptions of advanced scientific techniques, sometimes even more sophisticated than those used in our modern technological world.

Vedic cosmology is yet another ancient Vedic science which can be confirmed by modern scientific findings and this is acknowledged by well known scientists and authors.

"Vedic cosmology is the only one in which the time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology" - Carl Sagan

"A cosmogony which no European conception has ever surpassed" - Nobel Laureate Count Maurice Maeterlinck

French astronomer Jean-Claude Bailly corroborated the antiquity and accuracy of the Vedic astronomical measurements as "More ancient than those of the Greeks or Egyptians" and that, "the movements of the stars calculated 4,500 years ago, does not differ by a minute from the tables of today."

Cosmology and other scientific accomplishments of ancient India spread to other countries along with mercantile and cultural exchanges. There are almost one hundred references in the Rig Veda alone to the ocean and maritime activity. This is confirmed by Indian historian R. C. Majumdar, who stated that the people of the Indus-Sarasvata Civilization engaged in trade with Sooma and centers of culture in western Asia and Crete.

"Pythagoras went to the Ganges to learn geometry" - Voltaire

Abraham Seidenberg (author of the authoritative "History Of Mathematics".) credits the Sulba Sutras as inspiring all mathematics of the ancient world, form Babylonian to Egypt to Greece.

As Voltaire and Seidenberg have stated, many highly significant mathematical concepts have come from the Vedic culture, such as; the theorem bearing the name of the Greek mathematician Pythagoras is found in the Shatapatha Brahmana as well as the Sulba Sutra, the Indian mathematical treatise, written centuries before Pythagoras was born. - The Decimal system, based on powers of 10, where the remainder is carried over to the next column, first mentioned in the Taittiriya Samhita of the Black Yajurveda. - The introduction of zero as both a numerical value and a place marker. - The concept of infinity. - The binary number system, essential for computers, was used in Vedic verse meters. - A hashing technique, similar to that used by modern search algorithms, such as Googles, was used in South Indian musicology. From the name of a raga one can determine the notes of the raga.

The Vedas however are not as well known for presenting historical and scientific knowledge, as they are for expounding subtle sciences such as the power of mantras.

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