Woh Lamhe tells the story of Sana Azim (Kangana Ranaut) as a Bollywood superstar who is dominated by her boyfriend Nikhil (Shaad Randhawa), who makes all her career decisions for her; to the world she is a successful and independent woman but in reality she is lonely and lost, a mere puppet in Nikhil's hands. Aditya Garewal (Shiney Ahuja) is an aspiring director who is keen on casting Sana for his debut film, but only on his own terms; he is willing to go to any lengths to get her to agree to the film, even if that means preying on her slight insecurities and her turbulent relationship with Nikhil. Nikhil is successful in casting her in her film and the film turns out to be a super-hit. However, he loses track of his plan somewhere along the way and realizes that even though his film is complete and a super-hit, he just can't pull himself away from Sana; he has actually fallen in love with her in spite of his friend Sam (Purab Kohli) reminding Aditya that Sana is just their ladder to ...
Kangana Ranaut
Shiney Ahuja
Shaad Randhawa
Director: Mohit Suri
Einladung zu unserem kultur Programm in Wien
5 years ago
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