Brake Fail is a delightful ensemble comedy that brings together a talented cast of comedic actors. Rashi (Richa Ghimire), a young, headstrong woman is deeply in love with the charismatic social-worker Drona (Rajesh Hamal), while two thieves Prayash and Koshish are in love with her. Her journalist friend Raj wants a big story while Inspector Chiran wants a big arrest. Their desires bring them together and take them to the beautiful far west of Nepal, where a chaotic, mad chase culminates in love and redemption being found through heroic acts. Brake Fail is truly a Nepali comedy, full of laughs, love and soulful music.
Richa Ghimire
Bimlesh Adhikari
Niraj Baral
Rajesh Hamal
Subash Thapa
Director: Shankar Ghimire
Einladung zu unserem kultur Programm in Wien
5 years ago
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