Uranium is it a Country: The Origins of Nuclear Power
In Europe nuclear energy is more and more often celebrated as saving the climate. Clearly, nuclear power plants need uranium.
The aim is to comprehensively illustrate the opportunities and risks posed by nuclear energy, whilst paying particular attention to uranium mining.
Australia has the world's largest deposits of this resource. We will travel to the "land down under" to exemplify where uranium comes from, where it goes to and what is leftover from it.
There is plutonium (used mostly together with uranium) and thorium. And by now there is just one thorium nuclear reactor in India. (what concerns nuclear fusion, deuterium and tritium could be use, but this is just hypothetical).
By now the most used combustible for the nuclear energy production is uranium and the world has many problems and risks because of this. This film is about uranium and its use for the nuclear energy production. It doesn't want to be comprehensive of everything concerning nuclear reactors. And it is a very good film, based on a accurate inquiry about uranium.